Lonavla, India in November

See Mumbai and Lonavla and Lonavla III pictures for more pictures of Lonavla.

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 Shree Narayani Dham temple in Lonavla. Ceiling tiles of Lonavla temple. Lonavla temple at night. Petra's feeding the cows at the Lonavla temple. Ladies relaxing at the Lonavla temple. Pilgrims walking through Lonavla. Another pilgrim group passed through Lonavla. Lonavla Hill view. Trees near the Shree Narayani Dham temple. Waterfall east of Lonavla. An Indian couple at Sunset Point. Monkeys in Monkey Park, Lonavla, near Sunset Point.

Shree Narayani Dham temple.
Shree Narayani Dham temple in Lonavla in early evening. (24 Nov 2013)
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Ceiling tiles of the Shree Narayani Dham temple in Lonavla.
Central ceiling tiles of the Shree Narayani Dham temple in Lonavla.(29 Nov 2013)
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Lonavla Shree Narayani Dham temple at night.
Lonavla Shree Narayani Dham temple at night. (29 Nov 2013)
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Petra's feeding the cows at the Lonavla Shree Narayani Dham temple.
Petra's feeding the cows at the Shree Narayani Dham Lonavla temple. (17 Nov 2013)
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Ladies relaxing at the Lonavla Shree Narayani Dham temple.
The ladies relaxing at the Shree Narayani Dham Lonavla temple. (17 Nov 2013)
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Pilgrims walking through Lonavla.
Pilgrims walking through Lonavla. (23 Nov 2013)
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Pilgrim group passed through Lonavla.
The same day another pilgrim group passed through Lonavla on the way to the same nearby shrine of a holy man who translated the ancient Hindu texts into the local Marati language for the first time. This time they are tangled with heavy traffic. (23 Nov 2013)
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Lonavla Hill view.
View of the hills north of Lonavla as seen from the Shree Narayani Dham temple.(17 Nov 2013)
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Trees near the Shree Narayani Dham temple.
Trees near the Shree Narayani Dham temple. (17 Nov 2013)
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Waterfall east of Lonavla.
Waterfall east of Lonavla at the head of what I like to call a little Grand Canyon. (23 Nov 2013)
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An Indian couple at Sunset Point.
An Indian couple sits with Petra at Sunset Point, Lonavla. The couple wanted a picture wearing our hats. (23 Nov 2013)
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Monkeys in Monkey Park, Lonavla, near Sunset Point.
Monkeys in Monkey Park, Lonavla, near Sunset Point. (23 Nov 2013)
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