Rishikesh, India - Page 1

We were in Rishikesh in parts of March, April, and May and a couple days in June 2015, mostly at Swami Rama’s Sadana Mandir ashram. The Beatles came here in the ‘60s. It has long been a seat of Himalayan spiritualism. We were there to assimilate some of that tradition.

Rishikesh from four kilometers (2 miles) down the Ganges River. (9 Apr 2015)
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Rishikesh cow.
A Rishikesh cow checks out the German bakery. (19 Mar 2015)
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Rishikesh street advertising.
Rishikesh is full of street advertising. This is just some of its unsightly noise. (19 Mar 2015)
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This time around we stayed mostly south of the main part of Richikesh at Sadana Mandir, an ashram of Swami Rama. The photos here below reflect that. I have put no pictures here from our earlier visit in the main part of the city in 2011.

Ganga Kinare Hotel.
This is part of a piece of art on the wall of the Ganga Kinare Hotel in south Rishikesh. It is many framed paintings on the bare wall. The mug in the lower left gives you an idea of the size. See the enlargement in the next picture. (31 Mar 2015)
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 Ganga Kinare Hotel art.
This is an enlargement of the large artwork in the above photo. The artist has painted something on the raw wall of each frame. Each small picture seems to be different. It was a festinating work. (31 Mar 2015)
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Sadana Mandir.
This is our home at Sadana Mandir ashram of Swami Rama where we stayed most of our time in Rishikesh. (4 Apr 2015)
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Ganga River.
This is the Ganga River taken from in front of our room at Sadana Mandir. (20 Mar 2015)
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Morning on the Ganges.
This was one of many walkers who passed our windows early every morning along the Ganga. (22 Mar 2015)
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Ganga River walkway.
This walkway goes along the Ganga River dike in this area. It looked like this before the leaves came out in the spring. (28 Mar 2015)
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Ganga River walkway.
Another view of the same walkway on a hazy, hot morning. Walkers, who were many in the early morning, usually disappeared by nine in the morning when the sun began to cook anyone out on the path. (28 Mar 2015 9:34 am)
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Ganga River walkway.
By May the leaves were full and the trees flowering. Many were out walking in the early evening. (5 May 2015 6:15 pm )
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Rishikesh tree flowers.
The flowers on the trees along the Ganges. (26 Apr 2015)
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 Rishikesh tree flowers.
These blossoms fell from one of these trees. (26 April 2015)
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Rishikesh tree.
Trees stand leafless in early spring in Rishikesh. (2 Apr 2015)
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 Rishikesh tree.
This picture is from the same place in June two and a half months later. (15 June 2015)
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Big tree.
This is an enlargement of former picture. This tree is huge. These are full-sized cows. (15 June 2015)
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Petra in Rishikesh.
Petra on our morning walk. It is only 9:30 but umbrellas are important tools to keep the sun off ourselves even at this early hour. (27 Apr 2015)
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Continue to the second page of Rishikesh pictures.

Continue to the Rishikesh Elephant pictures page.

Created September 2015.
Copyright © 2015 Mike Metras, www.PilgrimageCreations.com