Header photos on the Pilgrimage Creations web site

I have used these pictures as header pictures on our Pilgrimage Creations web site. One displays randomly each time you go to a new page on the site or refresh the current page. The pictures come from various pilgrimages we have walked in the past eleven years.

Petra took this picture of the Sangre de Christi mountains and her cart on the Raton Pass just after we walked into southeastern Colorado on our walk across America to Jerusalem. This is also a good photo of our flag. (7 April 2009)

After many days waiting for this shot, I finally got a picture showing the extreme order the farmers put into their vineyard fields in La Mancha, Spain. I was walking the Camino de Levante near Santiago de la Torre. (12 April 2012)

In this Camino de Levante photo two cyclists from the island of Jersey pedal up the road near Santiago de la Torre under the eye of an Osborne Bull. There are 92 of these 14-foot-high, black bulls scattered around Spain. We have seen three or four. They were originally advertisements for the Osborne Sherry Company. Then they were mostly removed because of a ban on all road advertisements. The people protested and they were brought back because they had become a part of the landscape and had "aesthetic or cultural significance." But in the end they had to be painted totally black to remove any sign of advertisement. (Source en.wikipidia.org) (13 April 2012)

An evening Kansas storm as we walked across America. (20 April 2009)

We, Petra and Mike, are standing on the Pacific shore near Ventura, California, as we began our pilgrimage walk across America. (21 January 2009)

Petra's shot of the American Falls at Niagara Falls and birds as we took our first steps into New York after walking across southern Ontario, Canada. (27 October 2009)

As we finished our pilgrimage to Jerusalem by bus, we stopped a few hours at the Pyramids in Cairo: The Pyramids of Khufu (c. 2566 BCE), Khafre (c. 2532 BCE), and Menkaure (c. 2504 BCE) in the late afternoon sun with Cairo in the background. Khufu's is the largest. It looks smaller because is a more distant and on a bit lower ground. (15 December 2010)

An endless row of trees stretches across the meseta on the Camino de Santiago west of El Burgo Ranero. I took this on my first of five pilgrimage walks on the Camino de Santiago. (28 May 2003)

A boat passes a cloud and the setting sun on the Atlantic west of O Porto, Portugal. We were beginning our walk across Europe to Jerusalem. (19 January 2010)

More orderly fields in La Mancha, Spain. (12 April 2012)

Our books. You can browse and buy them from our site. Click on the link at the beginning of this line or the box on the top of the page to do so.

Petra walking into the morning fog near El Real de la Jara as we begin our pilgrimage on the Via de la Plata north of Seville, Spain. (8 April 2005)

The Via de la Plata going north out of Monestario, Spain. (9 April 2005)

A Roman bridge in Marida, Spain, along the Via de la Plata. (12 April 2005)

Petra rests along the Via de la Plata somewhere between Garrovillas and Grimaldo. (18 April 2005)

Petra walks near a shepherd and his sheep in the morning leaving Galisteo on the Via de la Plata. (20 April 2005)

A man plows his field in the morning as we leave Galisteo on the Via de la Plata. (20 April 2005)

Petra walks the wide open plains along a Caņada on the Via de la Plata between Fuenterroble de Salvatierra and Morrile. (25 April 2005)

The Via de la Plata stretches out to the horizon in a walk of solitude south of Zamora. (29 April 2005)

A Galician wall along the Via de la Plata near O Seira. (8 June 2005)

The entire contingent of pilgrims we met along the Via de la Plata. We are all together for a picture in Santiago on the last day. (12 May 2005)

Petra is walking along the Camino de Santiago on the way to Finisterra in the region of Cee. This was a part of our walk across America and Europe to Jerusalem. (8 February 2010)

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Created: August 2014
Copyright © 2014 Mike Metras, www.PilgrimageCreations.com