Day 6 in Rome - Feb 9

Post cards!

A farewell picture.
A farewell picture.

Today is cleanup, time to wander around and do all those little things we left to the end. I don't even remember what most of them were.

St. Peter with his keys outside his church.
St. Peter with his keys outside his church.

During our time in Rome we have written a number of postcards to thank many of you along our pathway to Rome. Today we go to the Vatican post office and lick a lot of stamps and send the cards off. Two end up in Rome post boxes because we have no Zip (postal) codes for them and have to go to the Internet to find them.

To those whom we didn't contact directly, we thank you so much for your support and encouragement. To our friends and to all the people in the hotels, gasthauses, albergos, parrocchias, B&Bs, pensiones, convents, bars, and along the road, thank you all so much. Your hospitality has made our pilgrimage so much richer.

As the day ends, we take each others picture in front of St. Peter's and go in for one last visit. We know the pilgrimage is now done.

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