Header photos for our India pages

These are the header photos we use on our India pages along with descriptions.

Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla street.
Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla street. (9 Feb 2011)

Sunset Kaivalyadhama.
Sunset Kaivalyadhama. (6 Feb 2011)

Lonavla street scene.
Lonavla street scene. (9 Feb 2011)

Goa greenery.
Goa greenery. (13 Feb 2011)

Goa storefront.
Goa storefront. (16 Feb 2011)

Goa beach.
Goa beach. (20 Feb 2011)

Bougainvillea in Auroville.
Bougainvillea in Auroville. (27 Feb 2011)

Lotus in Auroville. (3 Mar 2011)

Rock garden in Auroville.
Rock garden in Auroville. (8 Mar 2011)

Bamboo fence in Auroville.
Bamboo fence in Auroville. (9 Mar 2011)

100 Rupee note.
100 Rupee note. (12 Mar 2011)

Rishikesh foot bridge.
Rishikesh foot bridge over the Ganges. (14 Mar 2011)

Lake Renuca temple.
Lake Renuca temple. (4 Apr 2011)

Shimla monkeys.
Shimla monkeys. (8 Apr 2011)

Shimla monkeys.
Shimla monkeys. (8 Apr 2011)

Tatapani mountains.
Tatapani mountains. (10 Apr 2011)

Tatapani mountains.
Tatapani mountains. (11 Apr 2011)

Tatapani mountains.
Tatapani mountains. (11 Apr 2011)

Tatapani mountain road.
Tatapani mountain road. (12 Apr 2011)

Padmasambhava watches over Lake Rewalsar.
Padmasambhava watches over Lake Rewalsar. (15 Apr 2011)

Parrots and the Himalayas in Palampour.
Parrots and the Himalayas in Palampour. (17 Apr 2011)

Himalayas from McLeodganj above Daramsala.
Himalayas from McLeodganj above Daramsala. (21 Apr 2011)

From our car on the road to Lake Renuka.
From our car on the road to Lake Renuka. (4 Apr 2011)

Himalayas from McLeodganj above Daramsala.
Himalayas from McLeodganj above Daramsala. (23 Apr 2011)

Shop inventory in McLeodganj.
Shop inventory in McLeodganj. (24 Apr 2011)

 McLeodganj from a distance.
McLeodganj from a distance. (25 Apr 2011)

Matrimandir in Auroville.
Matrimandir in Auroville. (22 Aug 2004)

Matrimandir in Auroville.
Matrimandir in Auroville. (22 Aug 2004)

Matrimandir in Auroville.
Matrimandir in Auroville. (22 Aug 2004)

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