We will soon begin a pilgrimage to India. As of 10 July 2013, we are not offering any of our walks until farther notice. We retain this page for you to make whatever miscellaneous payment you may want to make to us.
Use this page to pay Pilgrimage Creations for any of our offerings. All payments are in US Dollar funds. The standard payments include:
Any miscellaneous requested fees.
You can pay us
with your PayPal account or with your credit card with a secure electronic transaction through PayPal.com.
Paying us with PayPal or by credit card through PayPal
To pay us with your PayPal account or by credit card with a secure transaction through PayPal.com:
- Choose the option you want to pay for from the drop-down menu below.
- Click the Pay Now button to go to PayPal.
- Enter the amount you want to pay in the Item price field.
- Click Update to record your entries and display the payment amount.
(If you make a mistake in choosing from the drop-down menu here or in entering an incorrect payment amount on the PayPal screen, cancel out of the PayPal screen to return here. Then start over at Step 1 to restart the payment process.)
- Choose a way to pay and continue with your PayPal payment. You are returned here when you are done.
Contact us with any details about your payment.