December, 1997

1995, 1996, and 1997
American Numismatic Association
Outstanding Local Publication

God Jul!

Joyeaux Noel!

Mele Kalikimaka!

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano!

Buon Natale e Buon Cappo d'Anno!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Frohe Weihnacht und ein gutes Neues Jahr!

Nakupa Heri ya Krismasi na Mwaka Mpya!

Melkam Leyel!

Meeting 7:30pm, Wednesday, December 3
Talk and trading 7:00-7:30pm
VFW Post 1307
1601 Weld Road
Elgin, IL
Not a member?
Come and join us anyway!

December Prizes

December Meeting

We'll have our holiday dinner at 7:00 before the meeting. If you are coming and did not sign at the November meeting, Please call me at 815-786-6779 or Harold Hunt at 847-934-4724 and let one of us know immediately. Thanks much.

We'll have the business meeting, some giveaways, and a raffle after the dinner.

Bring along something for show and tell. Better yet, let's talk about the most unusual item you have seen in the world of numismatics (or anywhere else) during 1997.

Change to the Constitution and Bylaws

According to our constitution, we can change the constitution and bylaws during the December meeting with a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present at the meeting in December.

We discussed the following changes during the November meeting and can discuss them more before voting on them. We will vote to make the following items part of the bylaws:


During the meeting we will elect a vice president and treasurer for the next two years. As of now we have the following nominations:

We also have openings for up to two elected board members. Board members basically advise the officers and take part in the board meetings. If you are interested, nominations will still be open before the elections. So you still can nominate yourself or be nominated if you want to serve. Good luck to all.

November Minutes

ECC Meeting 479
November 5, 1997
Opened:7:45 Closed:8:40
Members:20 YNs:5

President Doug N. called the 479th meeting of the Elgin Coin Club to order around 7:45pm at VFW Post 1308.

Secretary's Report

The minutes were accepted as published. I introduced six visitors: Charles, David, Jim, Joe, Amanda, and April. Welcome all. Come back.

Treasurer's Report

Don read the numbers listed above and you accepted them.

Holiday Dinner

Harold announced the Holiday dinner will be in December and asked that we sign up for it. If you are coming and did not sign at the November meeting, Please call me at 815-786-6779 or Harold Hunt at 847-934-4724 and let one of us know immediately. Thanks much.

Show Committee Report

Harold reported that the show netted $817.45 and sold 849 tickets. See Show Results later in this Newsletter for details.

We announced the raffle winners also. They, too, are listed later.


We opened nominations for officers. Al Cerny was nominated for treasurer by Al Maday. Jim Davis was nominated for vice president by Doug Nelson. Jim Clevenger was also nominated for vice president but his nomination was only accepted after he became a member.

New Member

Jim Clevenger, an ex-member, applied for membership and was accepted. Welcome back Jim.

Bylaw Change

We discussed changing the bylaws to not charge the four main officers for annual dues. We will vote on it during the December meeting. The exact words of the proposed change are on Page 1 of this Newsletter.

Marty K. proposed a change to the way we accept new members. We discussed it and agreed to vote on it also during the December meeting. When I reviewed it, I determined that to get everything we discussed into the bylaws we need to change one article of the bylaws and add another. During the December meeting, we will vote on the change and addition as written on the first page of this Newsletter.

October Prize Winners
Membership: Doug N.
YN: Shane R., Alex F.
Raffle: Marty K., Bruce the bartender, Shane R.,Jim K.
Door: Joe M., Clayton H., Marty K., Harold H.

We had a break to talk and sell raffle tickets. We had the raffle, closed the meeting, and began the auction.

Membership Auction

Doug Nelson called a spirited auction of superior (and not so superior) membership coins. For you who are interested in numbers, four members sold 30 of 56 lots offered. They realized $296, an average of $9.88 per lot thanks to a couple large lots.

Thank you all so much for your buying and selling.

Submitted by Mike Metras

Board Meeting

Don, Harold, Doug, and I met at Don's on November 19th for the board meeting.

The club donated $25 to the Illinois Masonic Foundation in honor of past-president Herb Barth who died last month.

We discussed the Holiday banquet and prizes.

I reported that I had not seen a 1997 dime up to that morning when I got 2 rolls of them from my bank when I went for toll-road change. We looked at them and found significant die- polish marks on several. Later I found die cracks, too.

In preparation for December, I had counted those who had attended during the first 11 months of 1997. I was presently surprised to find that 7 members made all 11 meetings, 7 more made 10 meetings, and yet 7 more made 9 meetings.

Show Wrapup

Our Fall show was an unqualified success. Twenty eight dealers and more that 200 visitors attended. We thank you all.

The raffle winners were:

Thanks to all who bought and sold tickets to support our club's efforts.

We have to thank some people. At the top of the list, we thank Harold Hunt for his many efforts to make the show happen. Harold kept at it and kept us at it when most of us were ready to leave things undone for lack of interest. Thanks Harold. Thanks also to Don, Chuck, Joe, and Mike Cerny for making and setting out signs and running the club table and keeping up the infrastructure during the show. And thanks to Jim Davis and Don Eckel for running the youth auction. Word is in that the kids really liked it.

[editor's note: Harold Hunt wrote the remainder of this article.]

The 35th annual coin show is over. I want to first thank Don, Chuck, and Mike Cerny, and Don Eckel for their help on setup. I also thank Don Eckel and Jim Davis for running the YN auction and Mike Metras for the program.

For a rainy day, we saw a lot of people buying and selling. The new floor plan kept the dealers at 34 tables busy with plenty of room for collectors to move around. We could have sold 50 tables had we had the room.

Every YN received a penny [sic] board when entering. Pennies were available at every dealer's table to help start filling the boards. We had a YN auction with many nice donated coins and supplies. Thanks to Fox Valley Coins, Ken of Gaslight coins, Al Maday, Rich Eckebrecht, Jerry Ransom, Doug Nelson, and Tom Horka for donating the YN items. The YNs received US Mint Starter Sets for participating in the auction.

The Club made $817.45 from that table rentals and raffle tickets. The following people sold tickets for the raffle:

Thanks to all of you for your effort.

1997 Newsletter Index

The following index lists articles and subjects that were published in the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter during 1997. Each item is followed by month and page number.

1996 Show Exhibits,  Feb-4
1996 Show Shots,  Feb-1
1996 - What Happened?,  Jan-3
A Prize for the Ages,  Jul-3
Anchorage Coin Club,  Oct-4
Annual Coin Show,  Oct-1
Annual Coin Show - It's Finally Here!,  Nov-1
Auction,  May-1, Jul-3
Auction Lot List,  Jun-4, Nov-4
Auction Rules,  Nov-5
Auction Setup
    Buyers,   Jun-2, Nov-5
    Sellers,  Jun-2, Nov-5
Change to the Bylaws,  Nov-1
Change to the Constitution and Bylaws,  Dec-1
Chicago Coin Club Meeting,  Feb-2
Chicago Paper Money Exposition,  Mar-4
Clubs Please Note,  Feb-6, Mar-7
Coin of the Month
    Bar Copper,  Nov-4
    City on a Coin - Mewar's Udaipur,  May-3
    Condor Tokens,  Apr-4
    Elgin Centennial Half Dollar,  Jan-2
    Flying Eagle Cent,  Mar-5
    Fugio Cent,  Feb-4
    Half Eagle,  Jun-3
    Hard Times Tokens,  Oct-5
    Illinois Centennial Half Dollar,  Jul-4
    Lincoln Cent,  Sep-5
    Pennies, er, Cents,  Aug-3
Contest Answers,  Sep-7
Contest Reminder,  Aug-2
Contest Winner,  Sep-4
Correction10,000 Attend ANA Show,  Oct-2
CSNS/ILNA Show,  Sep-2, Oct-4
    Herb Barth,  Nov-3
    Jim Anderson,  Apr-2
Editorial,  Sep-4
Elections,  Jan-1
Finds by Jim Davis,  Nov-3
First 1997 Cent.,  May-1
Gift From Schaumburg Club,  Feb-3
The Lincoln Meets the Public,  Sep-5
Marlon Mathre Joins Ranks of our Advertisers,  Apr-3
Member Coin Auction,  Oct-2, Nov-1
Modified Format,  Jan-2
New Meeting Location,  Oct-3
New Members,  Feb-2, Apr 1, Jul-2, Dec 2
Newsletter Wins Another,  Jul-1
Nominations,  Nov-1
Note to Former Members,  Mar-7
On the Internet,  Nov-2
Pig on the Bridge?,  Apr-3
Presentation,  May-2
Program Chairman Report,  Jul-2
Quiz by Jim Davis,  Mar-2
Return Tickets,  Nov-2
Show Business,  Jan-1
Show Help,  Oct-4
Show Wrapup,  Dec-3
Standard Programs through the Year,  Mar-3
Super Raffle,  Apr-3, May-1
Super Raffle Winners,  Jul-1
Where's Our First YN Board Member,  Apr-3
White Elephant,  Oct-1
White Elephant Auction,  Jun-2
White Elephant Sale,  Nov-3
World Population,  Jul-5
YN Auction,  Jan-2, Oct-4

1997 Programs

If you were here every month, you experienced these programs this year. Thanks to everyone who helped with them.

Everyone's top story of 1996,  Jan
Jim Davis has a quiz and we all had a lot of talk,  Feb
Roger Bear brought Pizza to celebrate his 25th Anniversary and we 
   talked a lot,  Mar
ANA video on paper moneyit was bad,  Apr
A White Elephant sale brought $83.25 to the club,  May
Auction of member coins that brought in $560,  Jun
Robert Leonard - California Fractional Gold,  Jly
Don Pearlman - Ten Days of Money in Manhattan,  Aug
Show postponed do to death in speaker's family,  Sep
White Elephant sale brought $145 to the club,  Oct
An auction of member coins that brought in $296,  Nov
About-to-happen Holiday Dinner and giveaway,  Dec

1997 Prizes

The following table lists the membership and raffle prizes given away this year. Review it and let us know how you'd like to see us change what we are offering. we are open to all suggestionsthis is your club too.

1997 Membership Prizes
Raffle Prizes
January 1944S 10c MS66
1666 Yen and a $2 bill
1986S 1c cameo pf
1970S Pf set
1991S 5c cameo pf
February records missing records missing
March CCC souvenir obsolete note sheet
1851 large cent
1802 large cent
and more
April 1852 1/2 cent vf+
3 $2 bills
1842-O dime g
1893 Columbian 50c
1943D 50c vf
1986S 50c cameo pf
May 1949S 50c Unc
14 wheat cents
Hawaiian cafeteria token
1882 5c
1914S cent
1934 dime bu
June 182. bust half
Bicentennial silver medal
no raffle-auction instead
July 1849 large cent
1977 Canadian mint set
1852 large cent
1977 Maui dollar
1981 unc set
1848 large cent
August 1932 25c xf
1883 Barber 5c no cents
1932 25c xf
1883 Barber 5c no cents
September 1949 25c ANACS MS66
Mardi Gras tokens and more
1959 5c PF66
1838/37 large cent
1981 mint set
1820 sm dt lg cent
October 1955 5c ANACS PF66
1975 Canadian proof-like set
1826 large cent
1852 large cent
1980 Canadian custom pf-like set
Ike dollar
November 1930 1c MS66RD
1968 Canadian Sp. mint set
1820 large cent
1837 large cent
1913 5c xf
triangular token
December to be listed later 1883 1c xf
1851 large cent
1817 large cent

Look at the Elgin Coin Club Home Page for more information.

This Newsletter is the informal mouthpiece of the Elgin Coin Club. This Newsletter and its contents are copyrighted but you may use anything herein (accept as noted below) for non-commercial use as long as you give credit to the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter. This blanket permission does not extend to articles specifically marked as copyrighted by the author of the article. In the latter case, you must get explicit written permission from the author either directly or through the Newsletter to use that material.