Who's Mike? Some pictures

10 Aug 2012 in our front yard drinking morning coffee.

Who's Mike? Who am I visually? Here are some pictures of me through the years. When I started this project it was just on a lark. But as I moved through it I was amazed at the number of roles and masks I have worn in my now going on 70 72 years. These are all me and none of them are me. For I am really only me now, where I stand/sit today.

1943 at five months 1943 at ten months 1944 - 17 months 1947 1949 - Kindergarten

1952 - 4th grade 1954 - First Communion 1956 - Soap Box
Derby winner
1956 - Derby banquet 1956 - Black Hills

1957 – 8th grade 1959 - Sophomore 1959 1960 Junior Prom 1961 HS Graduation

1964 - Easter 1965 - Loras graduation 1966 - PFC 1966 - PFC too 1967 - official photo

1969 - SP5 now 1970 – On Kilimanjaro 1970 - Nairobi 1971 - Woodstock 1972 - St. Meinrad

1974 – Woodstock, IL 1974 – Woodstock, IL 1974 – Woodstock, IL too 1975 winter 1977 Xmas

1979 - Family picnic 1980 - Passport 1982 - Solar cigar lighter 1982 - Xmas 1986 - Family picnic

1995 - summer 1995 - Xmas 1997 1998 1998
2/1999 - winter look 1999 - ANA 1999 - Xmas 9/2000 – Retirement Day 9/9/2001 – At
Swahili Reunion
6/2003 – On Galicia
6/2003 – Near Santiago 6/2004 – Gόtersloh,
9/24/2004 – Gόtersloh
Our Wedding
12/2005 – Winter in
Kisslegg, Germany
6/2006 - Kisslegg 5/2007 - on
Camino de Santiago
6/2007 - at home in
Kisslegg, Germany
5/2008 - San Miguel
Mission, California
9/24/2009 – In
Frankenmouth, MI
4/2010 – Santo Domingo,
9/2011 – Metras reunion
3/2012 – In ABQ airport 7/2012 - in garden,
Santa Fe, NM
6/2013 – Home, Santa Fe
12/31/2013 –
Munnar, India
11/2013 –
Kaivalyadhama, India
11/2014 –
Auroville, India
12/2015 – Auroville, India 10/2016 – Santa Fe, NM
10/2017 – Santa Fe, NM

Changed: Oct 2017
Copyright © 2008-2017 Mike Metras, www.WorksAndWords.com