Date on the PC | 01/22/15 |
Time on the PC | 12:16p |
Date on the Station | 01/22/15 |
Time on the Station | 1:13p |
UTC Date | 01/22/15 |
UTC Time | 6:16p |
Station Name | WS1-A |
Station City | Woodstock |
Station State | Illinois |
Station Elevation | 972 ft |
Station Latitude | 42° 19' 13" N |
Station Longitude | 88° 26' 47" W |
Sunrise Time | 7:16a |
Sunset Time | 4:55p |
Outside Temperature | 32.4°F |
High Outside Temperature | 32.5°F at 01/22/15 12:53p |
Low Outside Temperature | 28.3°F at 01/22/15 4:13a |
High Monthly Outside Temp | ---°F |
Low Monthly Outside Temp | ---°F |
High Yearly Outside Temp | ---°F |
Low Yearly Outside Temp | ---°F |
Outside Humidity | 71% |
High Humidity | 87% at 01/22/15 8:25a |
Low Humidity | 69% at 01/22/15 12:01p |
High Monthly Humidity | ---% |
Low Monthly Humidity | ---% |
High Yearly Humidity | ---% |
Low Yearly Humidity | ---% |
Outside Dew Point | 24.0°F |
High Dew Point | 26.6°F at 01/22/15 9:08a |
Low Dew Point | 22.3°F at 01/22/15 1:23a |
High Monthly Dew Point | ---°F |
Low Monthly Dew Point | ---°F |
High Yearly Dew Point | ---°F |
Low Yearly Dew Point | ---°F |
Wind Speed | 4.0 mph |
10 Minute Average Wind Speed | --- mph |
High Wind Speed | 8.0 mph at 01/22/15 11:35a |
High Monthly Wind Speed | --- mph |
High Yearly Wind Speed | --- mph |
Wind Direction in degrees | 334 |
Wind Direction sector | NNW |
Wind Chill | 28.5°F |
Low Wind Chill | 28.5°F at 01/22/15 2:00a |
Low Monthly Wind Chill | ---°F |
Low Yearly Wind Chill | ---°F |
Outside Heat Index | 31.9°F |
High Heat Index | 31.8°F at 01/22/15 1:00p |
High Monthly Heat Index | ---°F |
High Yearly Heat Index | ---°F |
THW Index | 28.0°F |
High THSW Index | ---°F at --- |
High Monthly THSW Index | --- °F |
High Yearly THSW Index | --- °F |
Barometer | 30.430 in |
Barometer Trend | Steady |
High Barometer | --- in at --- |
Low Barometer | --- in at --- |
Low Monthly Barometer | --- in |
High Monthly Barometer | --- in |
Low Yearly Barometer | --- in |
High Yearly Barometer | --- in |
Daily Rain | 0.00 in |
Storm Rain | --- in |
Monthly Rain | --- in |
Yearly Rain | 37.24 in |
Current Rain Rate | --- in/hr |
High Rain Rate | --- in/hr at --- |
High Hourly Rain Rate | --- in/hr |
High Monthly Rain Rate | --- in/hr |
High Yearly Rain Rate | --- in/hr |
Solar Radiation | --- W/m² |
High Solar Rad | --- W/m² at --- |
High Monthly Solar Rad | --- W/m² |
High Yearly Solar Rad | --- W/m² |
UV | --- index |
High UV | --- index at --- |
High Monthly UV | --- index |
High Yearly UV | --- index |
Inside Temperature | 64.1°F |
High Inside Temperature | 68.7°F at 01/22/15 6:06a |
Low Inside Temperature | 60.0°F at 01/22/15 5:04a |
High Monthly Inside Temp | ---°F |
Low Monthly Inside Temp | ---°F |
High Yearly Inside Temp | ---°F |
Low Yearly Inside Temp | ---°F |
Inside Humidity | 34% |
High Inside Humidity | 35% at 01/22/15 5:15a |
Low Inside Humidity | 33% at 01/22/15 12:57a |
High Monthly Inside Humidity | ---% |
Low Monthly Inside Humidity | ---% |
High Yearly Inside Humidity | ---% |
Low Yearly Inside Humidity | ---% |
Inside Dew Point | 35.1 °F |
Inside Heat Index | 60.8°F |
EMC | 13.9% |
Air Density | 0.0791 lb/cu.ft |
Daily ET | --- in |
Monthly ET | --- in |
Yearly ET | --- in |
2nd Temp | ---°F |
2nd Temp High | ---°F at --- |
2nd Temp Low | ---°F at --- |
3rd Temp | ---°F |
3rd Temp High | ---°F at --- |
3rd Temp Low | ---°F at --- |
4th Temp | ---°F |
4th Temp High | ---°F at --- |
4th Temp Low | ---°F at --- |
2nd Humidity | ---% |
2nd Hum High | ---% at --- |
2nd Hum Low | ---% at --- |
3rd Humidity | ---% |
3rd Hum High | ---% at --- |
3rd Hum Low | ---% at --- |
Soil Moisture 1 | --- cb |
High Soil Moist 1 | --- cb at --- |
Low Soil Moist 1 | --- cb at --- |
Soil Moisture 2 | --- cb |
High Soil Moisture 2 | --- cb at --- |
Low Soil Moisture 2 | --- cb at --- |
Soil Moisture 3 | --- cb |
High Soil Moisture 3 | --- cb at --- |
Low Soil Moisture 3 | --- cb at --- |
Soil Moisture 4 | --- cb |
High Soil Moisture 4 | --- cb at --- |
Low Soil Moisture 4 | --- cb at --- |
Soil Temperature | ---°F |
High Soil Temp 1 | ---°F at --- |
Low Soil Temp 1 | ---°F at --- |
Soil Temperature 2 | ---°F |
High Soil Temp 2 | ---°F at --- |
Low Soil Temp 2 | ---°F at --- |
Soil Temperature 3 | ---°F |
High Soil Temp 3 | ---°F at --- |
Low Soil Temp 3 | ---°F at --- |
Soil Temperature 4 | ---°F |
High Soil Temp 4 | ---°F at --- |
Low Soil Temp 4 | ---°F at --- |
Leaf Wetness 1 | --- |
High Leaf Wetness 1 | --- at --- |
Low Leaf Wetness 1 | --- at --- |
Leaf Temperature 1 | ---°F |
High Leaf Temp 1 | ---°F at --- |
Low Leaf Temp 1 | ---°F at --- |
Leaf Wetness 2 | --- |
High Leaf Wetness 2 | --- at --- |
Low Leaf Wetness 2 | --- at --- |
Leaf Temperature 2 | ---°F |
High Leaf Temp 2 | ---°F at --- |
Low Leaf Temp 2 | ---°F at --- |