Lonavla, India in February

See Mumbai and Lonavla and Lonavla II pictures for more pictures of Lonavla.

We spent 76 days at Kaivalyadhama (K’dham) in Lonavla in October and November 2013 and February 2014. It has become a good place to rest and improve our health. We have been there several times. We can get naturopathy or Ayurveda treatments in addition to just relaxing, reading, and enjoying the environment. The pictures here are from our February stop.

A banana and grape stall along the road in Lonavla.
A banana and grape stall along the road in Lonavla. (8 Feb 2014)
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Monkey in K'dham tree.
Monkey in a tree in Kaivalyadhama. What a tail! And you cannot even see it all! (13 Feb 2014)
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Paintings on wooden four chairs in Kaivalyadhama.
I had seen these paintings on the wooden backs of four chairs in Kaivalyadhama since 2004 and wanted to take a picture. This time I did. (6 Feb 2014)
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Banyan tree.
The roots of a Banyan tree entangle themselves in this K’dham cement fence. The Banyan drops down secondary roots from its large branches. In time these roots become secondary trunks to feed and support the huge tree. This banyan wound its new trunks around the fence and broke it up in time. (15 Feb 2014)
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Kaivalyadhama road.
The main street on the K’dham campus. We walked it many times going from the Yoga center to the library (for internet) and the town of Lonavla. (15 Feb 2014)
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Kaivalyadhama cobra.
The three-headed cobra symbol of K’dham. The sign to the right seems to say, “A beautiful world starts with you.” (15 Feb 2014)
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Brahman initiate.
A Brahman boy about to be initiated into the early adult stage of his life when he traditionally would leave home and study with a guru for several years. (16 Feb 2014)
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The 10-year-old initiate and his father. (16 Feb 2014)
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The proud mother of the Brahman initiate. (16 Feb 2014)
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Brahmam initiate in pilgrim clothes.
The initiate in the clothes of a pilgrim during the Hindu temple ceremony. Traditionally the initiate would leave home immediately after this ceremony and walk off to spend years learning from his guru. (16 Feb 2014)
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Friends Roberto and Katy (front) from Santa Fe, New Mexico and Jane along with Petra stand in the courtyard of K’dham. (13 Feb 2014)
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It’s “Tea and Toast” time at Kailash Parbat hotel restaurant just outside the K’dham campus. We had an almost daily pilgrimage here for Masala Tea and toast. Jane has joined us at the outside café this day. Yes, I am there too. See my hat. (21 Feb 2014)
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Jane, Petra, and Gabrele rest in the Shree Narayani Dham Temple in Lonavla. We also walked there often (less than a mile) and rested and meditated in the cool temple. (22 Feb 2014)
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Created May 2014.
Copyright © 2014 Mike Metras, www.PilgrimageCreations.com