Bodhgaya and Kushinagar, India

Buddha sat several years under a tree in Bodhgaya and he died in Kushinagar. Bodhgaya is south east of Varanasi and Kushinagar north east. We visited both places in March 2014. Here are some of the photographic highlights of the two visits.


I took only a few pictures in Bodhgaya. Here are some of the better ones.

Thai temple guard.
A Thai temple guard watches over their temple in Bodhgaya. He also guards the beginning of our photo album here. (26 Mar 2014)
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Buddha in Bodhgaya.
The Dali Lama dedicated this huge statue of Buddha in Bodhgaya. (26 Mar 2014)
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Bodhgaya enlightenment temple.
This temple is built in front of the Bodhi tree where Buddha is said to have achieved enlightenment after sitting there for six years. (Click on the picture to see it from several angles.)(26 Mar 2014)
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Bodhi Tree.
This Bodhi tree, the tree where Buddha achieved enlightenment, is not the original tree. The original tree was destroyed by King Ashoka in ancient times. A shoot from that tree was saved and this tree is from that shoot. (26 Mar 2014)
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Elephant on road.
There are elephants on the roads in India. This one was along the highway into Kushinagar. (17 Mar 2014)
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Elephant on road.
The same elephant as we left him and continued forward. (17 Mar 2014)
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Buddha cremation stupa.
Petra is walking around the stupa in Kushinagar over what is believed to be the place where Buddha was cremated. Tradition says that when Buddha got here with his disciples, he said his body was getting too old and feeble to be taken care of. He died. (18 Mar 2014)
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I saw a tourist with this colorful umbrella and I couldn't resist taking it into my camera and bringing it along with me. (18 Mar 2014)
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Tourists as individuals and in groups flock to all the Buddhist sites. This orderly group of Chinese walk past a monk praying at the cremation stups. (18 Mar 2014)
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The Gautama temple stupa. (20 Mar 2014)
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A Buddha at the Gautama temple stupa. (20 Mar 2014)
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A group of tourist kids posed for another in Kushinagar and I got this picture. (20 Mar 2014)
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Reclining Buddha.
This monolithic sandstone statue of Buddha is over six meters long. The statue which dates to the fifth century AD was discovered anew by an Englishman in 1876. (18 Mar 2014)
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Reclining Buddha head.
The head of the reclining Buddha. (18 Mar 2014)
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Chinese and Vietnamese temple.
This is the very decorated Chinese and Vietnamese temple in Kushinagar. (20 Mar 2014)
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roof decoration.
This is the decoration on the roof of the Chinese temple. (20 Mar 2014)
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Stairway at the Chinese temple.
This beautiful dragon decorates the hand rail of the main stairway at the Chinese temple. Another does the same on the other side of the main entrance. (20 Mar 2014)
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The Buddha from the main hall of the Chinese temple.
This jolly Buddha stands in the main hall of the Chinese temple. (20 Mar 2014)
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Buddha in Bodhgaya.
Finally the Bodhgaya Buddha closes this set of pictures. (26 Mar 2014)
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Created June 2014
Copyright © 2014 Mike Metras,