Lumbini, Nepal

Buddha was born in Lumbini, Nepal. We visited there in March 2014 and returned in April for a retreat at Panditerama. Here are some of the photographic highlights.

Baby Buddha.
This statue of baby Buddha presides over the complex of temples and monuments that make up the international commemoration of the birthplace of Buddha, the Lumbini Trust Development. In addition to standing as a statue, baby Buddha appears in pictures all over Lumbini. (3 Mar 2014)
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Peace Canal Lumbini.
The international peace temple is at the far end of the canal in the center of the Lumbini Trust Development. An eternal flame burns in front. (4 Mar 2014)
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Lumbini eternal flame.
The Lumbini Eternal Flame. (3 Mar 2014)
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A reclining Buddha on the peace temple. (4 Mar 2014)
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A Buddha on the peace memorial. (4 Mar 2014)
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Buddha birthplace.
In this building in the center of the Lumbini development is what the believe it Buddha's birthplace. Sorry, no photos inside, please. (4 Mar 2014)
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Petra sits next to a pool near Buddha's birthplace. The next several pictures are of the area with the prayer flags in the distance. (4 Mar 2014)
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prayer Flags.
Tree and prayer flags at Buddha's birthplace. (4 Mar 2014)
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Prayer flags.
Prayer flags at Buddha's birthplace. (4 Mar 2014)
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Petra and praying monk. (4 Mar 2014)
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prayer flags.
Prayer flags. (4 Mar 2014)
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Chinese temple in Lumbini.
Chinese temple. (Mar 2014)
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Monks playing instruments during prayers in Chinese temple. (4 Mar 2014)
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 Bell in Chinese temple.
Bell in Chinese temple. (4 Mar 2014)
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Dragon on Vietnamese temple.
Dragon on Vietnamese temple. (6 Mar 2014)
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Lumbini pelicans.
Lumbini pelicans. (5 Mar 2014)
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Lumbini town.
Main street in Lumbini town. (3 Mar 2014)
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Ox cart in Lumbini town.
Ox cart in Lumbini town. (3 Mar 2014)
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A father and child in Lumbini town.
A father and child in Lumbini town. (3 Mar 2014)
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Ponditerama lotus pond.
Ponditerama lotus pond with Petra's and my cottages in the background. (16 Mar 2014)
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Created June 2014
Copyright © 2014 Mike Metras,