Varanasi (Banares) II

We were in Varanasi three times in late February and March of 2014 as we shuttled between it and the Buddhist holy places of Lumbini, Bodhgaya, and Kushinagar. Here are some more highlights of our time there. I have divided the photos into two pages. The others are at Varanasi (Banares) I.

Varanasi boat.
A boat on the shore of the Ganges across from Varanasi. (1 Mar 2014)
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A Dahlia.
A dahlia from the Yoga Mandir ashram. (26 Feb 2014)
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The happy swami.
The Happy Swami (Swami Anubhavananda). He was the immediate cause for us coming to Varanasi. We had seen him in Kaivalyadhama on another visit to India and wanted to see and hear him again. Slight problem: he spoke mostly in Hindi here. (24 Feb 2014)
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A Ganges boat and rower.
We went on the Ganges three or four times with this young man and his boat. (26 Feb 2014)
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Mike and Petra.
We're on the Ganges. (1 Mar 2014)
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A snake charmer.
A traditional snake charmer on Assi Ghat on the Ganges in Varanasi. (24 Feb 2014)
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Snake charmer with Petra.
A snake charmer with Petra. (1 Mar 2014)
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To Petra's alarm the snake charmer draped the cobra around Petra's neck. (1 Mar 2014)
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Petra looks the snake in the eye.
Petra's alarm turned to curiosity as she looked it in the eye. She then learned that the snake had been defanged making it harmless. (1 Mar 2014)
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Pilgrims and buffalo.
Pilgrims boat along the Ganges past buffalo lounging on the banks. (25 Feb 2014)
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A buffalo. (25 Feb 2014)
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goat in Varanasi.
Petra is about to pet a goat on Assi Gat. (24 Feb 2014)
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Opposite bank or the Ganges.
People on the far side of the Ganges from Varanasi. (1 Mar 2014)
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Wedding parade in Varanasi.
A night wedding parade in Varanasi. (30 Mar 2014)
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Created June 2014.
Copyright © 2014 Mike Metras,