Rishikesh, India - Page 2

Sadana Mandir palms.
These palms line the southern border of Sadana Mandir ashram in Rishikesh. (2 Apr 2015)
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Sadana Mandir flowers.
Sadana Mandir flowers. (13 Apr 2015)
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Mike and Petra.
We pose for a self-portrait before leaving for Germany. (10 June 2015)
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Ganges River Dam Rishikesh.
The dam on the Ganges south of Rishikesh. It is often almost closed as it was the day of this picture. There is little water in the river. (28 Mar 2015)
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 Ganges River Rishikesh.
Once in a while they open the dam. In this picture, taken from the dam when it was opened, there is a lot more water. (10 Apr 2015)
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A Rishikesh monkey. (10 Apr 2015)
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Looks like a discussion is on. (2 Apr 2015)
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A stork. (10 Apr 2015)
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A Sadana Mandir frog. (26 Apr 2015)
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Another Sadana Mandir frog. (26 Apr 2015)
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Rishikesh crows. (13 June 2015)
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A Sadana Mandir lotus. (26 Apr 2015)
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Tree flowers.
Tree flowers. (27 Apr 2015)
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 Tree flower.
More tree flowers. (13 June 2015)
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Queen of the Night flower.
These tiny Queen of the Night flowers blossom only in the night. They give off a magnificent sweet scent. You often walk by and smell them wondering where they are and only find them after a longer search. (3 Jun 2015)
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Friends bid good bye.
Petra says good bye to a dog who greeted her almost every day as we took our daily walks along the Ganges. (5 June 2015)
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Created September 2015.
Copyright © 2015 Mike Metras, www.PilgrimageCreations.com