Goa, India - 2017

Villa Malibu, Goa.
This in the Villa Malibu where we stayed in Benalim, Goa, about a kilometer (.6 mi.) from the Arabian Sea. Our room is on the far right end one floor up from the ground level. (4 Feb 2017)
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View from the Villa Malibu.
A rice rice paddy stands between the Villa Malibu and the line of bushes in the background hiding the path to the Arabian sea. We ate breakfast on those tables every day we were there. I took this picture from in front of my room directly towards where I took the first picture of this series. (13 Jan 2017)
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Buffalo in Goa.
One buffalo is curious about us as we walked the path from Villa Malibu to the Arabian Sea. Cormorants shadow buffalo everywhere to eat the insects the buffalo scare up. I just noticed that in this picture, I caught one cormorant walking, two standing, and one beginning to fly (top left). (14 Jan 2017)
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Anthy’s Guest house and cafe.
We spent most of our afternoons at Anthy’s guest house and cafe on the Arabian Sea reading and relaxing. (14 Jan 2017)
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Petra in Anthi’s.
Petra greets you from Anthy’s. My seat is next to hers with my usual lime soda sitting in front of it next to my camera bag. My back pack sits nearby with my shoes. Shoes are always off from the time we hit the beach and walk a mile (1.6 km) to Anthy’s until we leave in the evening. (14 Jan 2017)
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Anthy’s Cafe.
Anthy’s interior is basic. The floor is wood and the roof is bamboo mats and thatch. There are books to read, drinks to drink, food to eat, and seats to relax in. We usually spent the entire afternoon there then had an early evening meal before taking our return walk to the Villa Malibu. (14 Jan 2017)
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The Arabian Sea in Goa.
So where stands Anthy’s? On the Arabian Sea. But the contrast between the inside and the sun on the sea is so much that you almost cannot see the Sea in any picture I took including this one. (14 Jan 2017)
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Kiosk on the beach in Goa.
One of the many cloth kiosks on the beach in Benalim, Goa. (25 Jan 2017)
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Vacationers on the Arabian Sea in Goa.
The Arabian Sea hosts flocks of vacationers on Republic Day, the day India received its independence from the British in 1947, 70 years ago. (26 Jan 2017)
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Sunset in Goa.
One of the few days that we were in Goa that the sun got all the way to the horizon for sunset. Most of the rest of the time, it disappeared into the haze before setting as in the next pictures. (Petra’s Picture.) (22 Jan 2017)
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Sunset in Benalim.
Petra watches the sun set into the haze over the Arabian Sea in Goa. (26 Jan 2017)
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Sunset over the Arabian Sea.
The haze eats up the sun on the Arabian Sea in Goa. (26 Jan 2017)
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Created February 2017.
Copyright © 2017 Mike Metras, www.PilgrimageCreations.com