Our pilgrimages in India

Life boldly lived.

In the beginning we did not see our first visits to India as much in the spirit of pilgrimage. After all, we didn't go there to do a long walk. But they are clearly important journeys on our pilgrimage of life. So now we, much too late, are putting them among our pilgrimage essays.

We have visited India for a total of eight months in the ten years we have been together. And now in October 2013 we are returning for an extended stay.

Keep up with our current Indian pilgrimage at India.WalkingWithAwareness.com.

The pages listed below present our past visits in words and pictures.

The following are under construction yet.

  • First steps in India (February to March 2004) - Mumbai, Kaivalyadhama, Goa, Mysore, Ooti, Auroville, Pondicherry, Kathmandu, and more. //partially completed.//
  • Is Auroville home? (July to September 2004) - Mumbai, Kaivalyadhama, Goa, Auroville, Pondicherry, and more.
  • South and North (January to May 2011) - Mumbai, Kaivalyadhama, Goa, Auroville, Pondicherry, Rishikesh, Daramsala, Shimla, and more.

It is the curiosity and bright eyes of the Indians, like these Mumbai street vendors the last time we were India, that kept us in India the first time and keep bringing us back again and again. (16 Jan 11)

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Copyright © 2013 Mike Metras and Petra Wolf, PilgrimageCreations.com