Wander endlessly
and joyfully.

Works and Words
Connections and Resources

1964 silver dollar [a mockup!].

I first created this page when I opened Works and Words in 1997. It is now in the fourth quarter of 2015. In the time since first publishing this page, I have wandered in and out of the coin collecting arena several times. This has stood through it all. It still has become my daily report on gold and silver and little else. From time to time others ask me to add new links or remove obsolete ones. I did some cleanup in 2014; I need to do a bit more now.

These connections, resources, and links take you to a variety of places. I originally created them in the late 1990s to support the Elgin and Fox Valley coin clubs. Then I expanded them also to support our Works and Words and Pilgrimage Creations web sites though there is little to support the latter as I begin the current update.

Please note this Disclaimer: I do not endorse any of these links or anything on the pages they link to. I am not responsible for what they may do to or against you or your pocket book. I am not responsible for anything you may choose to do with them as a result of visiting them through this site. They are just places I have come across while wandering the web and I thought you may like to wonder in and out of them too at your will, whim, and responsibility. Enjoy!



Africa     Antiquities     Businesses other than coins     Coin clubs     Coin show lists     Currency conversions     Dictionaries     Government     Internet search tools     Metal prices     Mints     Misc. numismatic sites     Museums     New Connections     Numismatic Businesses     Numismatics Associations and Societies     Pilgrimage resources     Publications     Tools     Travel     TV    

The Metals from Kitko.com

[Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com] [Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com]
[Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com] [Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com] [Most Recent Quotes from www.kitco.com]

Kitco metal price change adjustments due to currrency changes.

Convert international currencies.

New Connections

From time to time I add new connections. When I do so I usually list them here and leave them a month of so you can notice them as additions. At the same time I place them to their correct location among the other connections.

Added 27 Sept 2014 under Misc. Numismatic sites:
Checks, Coins, and Cash | A Money Guide for Kids and Teens
Added 27 Sept 2014 under Numismatic businesses:
Gainseville Coins

If you find a link on this page that does not work and have the time, please send me an email to let me know and I'll remove it. Thanks for your help. If you want me to add a link to your site or a special site you visit, let me know also. I'll try to be better at posting it than I have been in the past.

Coin Clubs

Elgin coin club of Elgin, Illinois
Elgin coin club newsletter index
Hillside coin club of Hillside, Illinois
Chicago coin club - just down the road from Elgin - they have wonderful Show and Tells
Anchorage coin club - a fine home page with newsletters
World Exonumia - AAA Historical Americana
Florida United Numismatists
Rockford Area (Illinois) coin club
Stavanger og Rogaland Myntklubb (Norwegian coin club)
Worldwide Bi-metalic Collectors Club
Works and Words Coins home page

Numismatic Associations and Societies

American Numismatic Association
American Numismatic Society
Blue Ridge Numismatic Association
Central States Numismatic Society (CSNS)
Illinois Numismatic Association (ILNA)
Numismatics International
(Société Numismatique de Québec) Numismatic Society of Quebec (French)
(Asociación Numismática Española) Spanish Numismatic Association
Tasmanian Numismatic Society - an outstanding homepage and newsy newsletters - don't miss it.


Dahlonega Gold Coins
Gallery Mint Museum's end
Collection of Ancient and Byzantine Coins at Lawrence University


U. S. Mint
Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Royal Canadian Mint
Perth Mint (Australia)
Austrian Mint
French Mint
Italian Mint - Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca Dello Stato
Mexican Mint
The Patric Mint
Spanish Mint


Coin World
Linn's Stamp News
New York Times
PC World Magazine

Numismatic Businesses

Gainseville Coins
Calgary Coin Gallery
Collectors Uiverse
World Exonumia - Rich Hartzog
cgb.fr - a french numismatic shop
Jake's Marketplace, Inc., Chicago
Heritage Coins - a national auction house
PCGS Coin Facts
Jean Elsen s.a., A Belgium dealer - Amazing coin quality in his auctions
Numismatica Lago Maggiore - Verbania, Italy
Southern Coin Investments
Teletrade - Collectibles Auction Center
///done here down

Show Lists

Coin Shows
Illinois Coin Shows Calendar
Chicago area shows for the month (choose the current month's ECC Newsletter and go to page 2)

Misc. Numismatic Sites

Numismatic Bibliomania Society - a non-profit educational organization founded in 1980 to support and promote the use and collecting of numismatic literature
The History of the British Pound – A lot of historical information about the British pound and the rest of their money. Michelle and her coin club at the Lexington Middle School in Lexington, Nebraska, asked me to include this link. They have been studying British money and learned quite a bit here. So here it is. Thanks for suggesting it. I look forward to reading more here. Looks interesting.
Internet Medieval sourcebook of medieval and Byzantine studies.
Wondreful cgb.fr historical connections page
Checks, Coins, and Cash | A Money Guide for Kids and Teens
Goldsheet Scripophily and Obsolete Securities

Businesses Other Than Coins

Kitco Inc. - Gold & Precious Metal Price Updates
City of New Orleans
Home Page of the City of Lights--Paris, France


ZdNet technology news and tips
Amazon Book Store
Barns and Noble Book Store
Biographical Dictionary
Currency Conversion
World Wide Web Consortium What is HTML supposed to be?


Infoplease.com dictionary
American Heritage Dictionary--The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Roget's Thesaurus, and more
Cambridge Dictionaries--including idioms and phrases
Oxford English Dictionary--the 20-volume second edition. Subscription only $550 a year but you can go on a free tour. And you can order a CD version for $295.
Dictionaries and grammars for 270 languages--find the meaning of that Kiswahili, Urdu, Sumarian, Ogibwe, or English word. This includes many dictionaries on specialties, learning opportunities, and translators to help you.
Biographical Dictionary-- this dictionary covers more than 28,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present day.
Wordsmith.Org--a.word.a.day; anagrams of your input; get definitions, anagrams, synonyms, and acronyms by email; generate statistics from email lists.
Many language-language Dictionaries

Internet Search Tools

Internet Domain Search
Yahoo! People Search
Welcome to Consumer Reports(r) Online
Yahoo! Autos
IIHS: Crash Tests & Vehicle Evaluations – Insurance Institute tests


Auroville, India
Google Maps
Yahoo Maps
Virtual Tourist Pre-home Page


U of Chicago, Division of the Humanities


Bibliography of many works on Eritrea and Ethiopia, some with links
Asmara, Eritrea--a wonderful collection of words and pictures of Asmara taken by a traveler from the Netherlands.
Asmarino.com--a cyberspace meeting place for all Eritreans and their friends around the world
Eritrean Railway and Ropeway - Ralph R. Reinhold's site with a wealth of detailed technical detail, narrative, and pictures
Eritrean Political Opposition
Kagnew Station Home Page
The Internet Living Swahili Dictionary [not responding 27 Sep 14]


Voice of America--start here and find a VOA program in any language you are studying or just want to listen to.
Library of Congress
Welcome to the White House
Check out some minute fact about almost all far away places in the CIA World Factbook


WGN channel 9 Chicago
WTTW channel 11 Chicago

Click here to contact me for any corrections, questions, comments, suggestions, additions, and what-have-you.

Updated September 2016
Copyright © 1997-2016 Mike Metras, www.WorksAndWords.com