I have been collecting and studying coins and currency since around 1955. I am now mainly disbursing my collection to fellow collectors who are ready to take over the task of caretaker for them as I pass them on. I am doing this mainly through eBay auctions. Click on the icon link below to see what I am selling today. Please, look in and bid on the coin that takes your fancy.
If you are new to this world of money, numismatics is the study and collection of all things money related and some things only remotely money related. The range of numismatic subjects includes (but is in no way limited to) coins, paper money, tokens, medals, primitive money (iron, wampum, etc.), script used for money, credit and debit cards, and even phone cards now.
Check out the following items:
New 7/16! These pages describe and illustrate many of the Ethiopian coins, currency, and stamps of the Haile Selassie Era. I collected many of them while I was in Asmara, Eritrea, Ethiopia in the US Army between 1967 and 1970.
Updated 9/16! While I was in Ethiopia in 1969 and 1970 I bought the stamps on the following five pages directly from the post office. All are in mint state. I no longer own them. Page 1,
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Page 3,
Page 4,
Page 5.
I sell coins on eBay and often have active items. I am arbateasmara on eBay. Click here to see what I have available today. Thanks and good luck. I am now home and once again selling on eBay. Look in later if there is nothing today.
The Fox Valley Coin Club, once listed here, no longer exists. With the passing of Clayton Hageman a few years ago, the Fox Valley Coin Club has come to an end. Clay was the principal driving force for this Yorkville, Illinois, club that had only a few members at its end. No one chose to take over and continue the club.