1909-S VDB 1943 Steel Cent 1964 Peace Dollar 2000 Dollar 500th Meeting Souvenir Bill ANA Summer Seminar, 1996 ANA Summer Seminar, July, 1998 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Epilog Anna Williams, Morgan model Ancient Byzantine Follis Roman As Roman Denarius For Face Value Animals on new Eritrean coins Azores Bag of Coins and ... Banking in the 1850s with The City Bank Bar Copper Barber Quarter Beginnings The Cernys Dennis Kwas Mike Metras Bibliography Book reviews Broken Bank Notes George Smith's Certificates of Deposit Buzzard Cent Buffalo Nickel Byzantine Follis Canadian coins Collecting Storage Cent 1909-S VDB 1943 Bronze Cent 1943 Steel Cent 1944 Steel Cent Bar Cent Five Thousand Cents Flying Eagle Cent Fugio Cent Lincoln Cent Lincoln Meets the Public Pennies, er, Cents Titanium cents Certificates of Deposit of George Smith Changes to current circulating coins Chicago Paper Money Exposition - 1997 City on a Coin - Mewar's Udaipur Cleaning coins Coin of the Realm Coins from My AD-Æ Collection Coins of the Philippines Collecting coins Canadian coins Everything Excitement of Coin Collecting Colonial Bar Cent Bar Copper Continental Dollar Fugio Cent Time Table of Colonial Coins Commemoratives Elgin Centenial Half Dollar Illinois Centennial Half Dollar Conder Tokens Contents Continental Dollar/Cent Country Names Currency Banking in the 1850s with The City Bank Chicago Paper Money Exposition - 1997 Fractional Currency George Smith's Certificates of Deposit Military Payment Certificates (MPC) Raft on obsolete currency Replacement notes Ships on obsolete currency Trains on obsolete currency Worthless paper money Denarius Roman Denarius For Face Value Pennies, er, Cents Denier Denver die shop Design change ideas Die shop, Denver Dies Dime Fasces Pig on the Bridge? Seated Liberty Dime Does the eagle have feet of a duck? Dollar 1964 Peace Dollar Anna Williams, Morgan model Morgan Dollars Melted New 2000 Dollar New Dollar Survey East African Currency Board in Ethiopia Elgin Coin Club 500th Meeting Souvenir Bill History Tokens Elgin Centenial Half Dollar England Conder Tokens English money policy in Ethiopia Eritrea Coins Maria Theresa Thaler Nakfa (currency) Error, Pennsylvania quarter Ethiopia Ethiopia's Money Maria Theresa Thaler The Excitement of Coin Collecting Fasces Five Thousand Cents Fractional Currency Flying Eagle Cent Foreign Africa Eritrean Coins Eritrean Nakfa Ethiopia's Money Maria Theresa Thaler Ancient Byzantine Follis Roman As Roman Denarius For Face Value Asia City on a Coin - Mewar's Udaipur Philippines Worthless paper money Australia Tasmanian Devil Water Used as Money Bag of Coins and ... Europe Conder Tokens Portugal and its Colonies Foreign coins made in US mint Worthless paper money Fugio Cent George Smith's Certificates of Deposit Getting around in this book |
Gold Indian Head Quarter Eagle Three Dollar Government efficiency Haile Selassie 1930 1944 Half dollar Elgin Centenial Half Dollar Illinois Centennial Half Dollar Walking Liberty Half Dollar Harar Hard Times Tokens Coins of Hawaii Help in using this book History of the Elgin Coin Club How to use this book Illinois Centennial Half Dollar Indian Head - Buffalo Nickel Indian Head Quarter Eagle Inflationary changes Introduction Italy Ethiopia's Money Maria Theresa Thaler Jefferson Nickel Liberty Standing Quarter Lincoln Illinois Centennial Half Dollar Lincoln Cent Lincoln Meets the Public A Little of This ... A Little of That Beginnings Buy High, Sell Low? Canadian Coins Collecting Everything NOISE, Lemont, and Canadian Coin Storage Jefferson Nickel No Crowds No Keys Silver Spike Lowest Mintages of the Century Madeira Island Manila mint Maria Theresa Thaler Ethiopia's Money Maria Theresa Thaler What Happened in 1996? Memelik of Ethiopia Mewar's Udaipur Military Payment Certificates (MPC) Mint Coins of the Philippines Denver die shop Dies Lowest Mintages of the Century The Minting Process Numismatic coin production Production Cost Quality Assurance Reeds on US coins Rotary Press Security Storing proofs with a mallet A Visit to the Denver Mint US mint makes foreign coins Morgan Dollars Melted Mule Nakfa New Dollar - A Survey Nickel 1913 Liberty Head Indian Head - Buffalo Jefferson Wartime WWII Nickel three cent piece New circulating coin look Numismatic coin production Old On New Patron Saint of coin collectors, St. Eligius Pennies, er, Cents Pennsylvania quarter error Philippines Pig on the Bridge? Pope Matthew Portugal Pound of US coins Prices 1956-1996 Production cost Quality assurance at the mint Quarter Barber Quarter Does the eagle have feet of a duck? Error, Pennsylvania quarter Liberty standing quarter New circulating coin look Pennsylvania quarter error Quarter Eagle, Indian Head Quiz Where in the World? World Population Quiz Reeds on US coins Replacement notes Raft on obsolete currency Research Roman As Roman Denarius For Face Value Rotary Press St. Eligius, patron saint of coin collectors Science of Numismatics Symposium Seated Liberty Dime Security Ships on obsolete currency Shows, NOISE and Lemont Souvenir Bill, 500th ECC Meeting Standing Liberty Quarter Steel Cent Storing Coins Discussion Storing proofs with a mallet Survey on the new dollar System requirements for this book Table of contents Tasmanian Devil Terceira Three cent nickel Time Table of Colonial Coins Titanium cents Tokens Conder Tokens Elgin Coin Club Hard Times Trains on obsolete currency Two Cent Piece Udaipur of Mewar, India Upgrades to the circulating coins Value Comparisons 1956-1996 Viewing this book A Visit to the Denver Mint Walking Liberty Half Dollar Wartime Nickels Water Used >Weight of US coins What Happened in 1996? Where Did You Learn About That? Where in the World? Why 4' 8-1/2"? World Population Quiz Worthless paper money Zinkann, Fred |