Doer Of Things  
Marty's Randon Sewing

Below are pictures of some of the items I have sewed.

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# 1 The first The one shirt Mom started Tropical Shirt # 4 Wiggy painted shirt
Art Deco shirt The Fishy Shirt #8 Yellow Shirt # 9 Blue Shirt
# 10 Blue/White
Winter Shirt
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# 11 Blue/White
Wavey Shirt
# 12 Animals # 13 Graden Shirt # 14 The other place I would like to be some times shirt # 15 Blue/Gray
Tropical Shirt
# 16 Experiment shirt # 17 I'm waring the
Tan Shirt
# 18 A little wild shirt # 19 Blue/Blue Flowers Shirt # 20 The wales Shirt
The first 20 shirts were made for 3/17/2000 to 11/20/2001. After that I became more involved in computers again. During this time I also sewed some other things. Click here to see the other items.
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  Last Update: April 9, 2004 12:33 PM  

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