Doer of Things
 Camera is broken. Remember the snow for now!
The Weather Page
Find the Weather for any City, State or Zipcode, or Country
Click here to get a printable werather flyer for Wodstock Illinois
My Weather Station History
The Weather Summary All Data Wunderground Summary: ( Data here could be hours old. For more timely data try here)
Last 24-48 Hrs, Last 8 Days, This Month, Last Mo, This Year, Last Year,
Three day History WeatherChannel
Wind Data 12/2003 to 12/2006 (pdf file)


Another Forecast for woodstock Wunderground
CWOP Weather Data Data Check

CreateWeather Flyer
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2014 History for past years
Special Note:
06-Aug_2006 10:00am, Temperature probe moved because of temperature interference!
What about a look out the window? Camera was moved to point north-northeast because the sun was burning the CCD chip pointing southwest. 07/30/10 Rain Fall History
Dec-2003 to Mar-2013
Note: Snow is melted to measure as rain.
Aug-2013 to most current
 Note: The gap from April-July 2013 is because of hardware failure.
Out Temp Bars
Wind DirWind SpeedWind Chill
Rain today image Yearly Rain Image

Weather History

Sunrise and Sunset times for Woodstock, IL
2004 2005 2006 2007  2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Woodstock, Illinois Weather

As reported from others in Woodstock reporter to

No data in the last year. Therfore I removed it.  
No data in the last year. Therfore I removed it.  
My Weather
Westwood Trail

Lily Pond Road
near the RR tracks, Ridgefield

These locations are based on what the station administrators have posted as there location and it shows them on the map. They could be thousends of miles from Woodstock. I only posted the location to give you and idea where they might be. If you click on these weather sticker you should go to their reported weather data at Weather Underground

If you see a new one posted from Woodstock IL send me an email and add it here.

11/07/10: Update: The three from the right do not seem to been updated for a while. I have removed the links.,Marty

Let me know if you see some thing that don't look right.
Webmaster at Doer of Things dot com
Page last updated: Wednesday, January 2, 2013 2:43 PM