India and Germany, winter-spring 2018

Under Construction! I am continuing to add to this page until our 2018 winter-spring travels in India and Germany is done in mid-May. Come back after that to see the completed version.

We went to Goa and Rishikesh in India and to Germany for the winter and spring of 2017-18. The pictures of the past years cover much of what we saw in 2018 so I have not repeated them here. Go to the India picture index page to see our earlier pictures. This page includes things you will not see in other pages.

We spent December, 2018 in Goa at Villa Malibu in Benalim, Goa. Originally we intended to spend two months in Goa but it proved hotter and muggier than we had expected. Petra also had a pull to spend some time with her mother earlier than mid-April as originally planned. So we spent the January 2018 in Germany with Petra's mother instead.

Goa – December 2018

Sunset Goa.
One of the clearer sunsets in Goa. Often the sun often set into the clouds and haze long before it got to the horizon.
(Dec 2017)

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Petra and Renate in Goa.
Petra and friend Renate sit at the breakfast table at the Villa Malibu B&B. (Dec 2017)
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Pashion Flower.
Passion flower at Villa Malibu. (Dec 2017)
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Anthy's Restaurant.
The inside of Anthy's Restaurant on the Arabian Sea. You can see more pictures of Anthy's on the Feburary picture's page. (Dec 2017)
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Sunset on Arabian Sea.
Petra watches the sunset on the Arabian sea near Benalim, Goa. (Dec 2017)
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Sunset in Goa.
The sun finally sets behind a distant boat. (Dec 2017)
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Click here to see more pictures of Goa in February, 2017.

Rishikesh – 1 February-14 April 2018

After a cold January in Germany, we spent the next month and a half in Rishikesh at the Sadhana Mandir ashram of Swami Rama.

Petra on Ganga.
Petra walks along the Ganga in Rishikesh. (Feb 2018)
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Moring on the Ganga.
Moring on the Ganga. (Feb 2018)
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Loading a crane.
Loading a crane onto a truck with passing bus. (Feb 2018)
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Crane loaded.
The crane drove onto the truck with the help of its shovel. (Feb 2018)
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Rishikesh sunset.
Rishikesh sunset. (Feb 2018)
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Temple ceremony.
A temple ceremony on the Ganges in Rishikesh. (Mar 2018)
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Go to the India picture index page to see many more pictures of Rishikesh.

Germany – January and April 14-May 16, 2018

We will put pictures here after we spend April and May there. It is only March 14 as I make this.

Created March, 2018.
Copyright © 2018 Mike Metras and Petra Wolf,