January, 2000
Year 7, Issue 1

1st Place Outstanding Local Publication
American Numismatic Association 1995, 1996, and 1997
Second Place in the same contest in 1999

Meeting 7:30pm, Wednesday, January 5
Talk and trading 7:00-7:30pm
VFW, 1601 Weld Road, Elgin, IL
Not a member? Come and join us anyway!

January Meeting
January Prizes
December Minutes
Board Meeting
Editor's Notes
A Little of This...
   A Little of That...

Index to other ECC Newsletter articles

January - Ethiopia

January's meeting will feature a talk by yours truly, Mike Metras, on the coins of modern Ethiopia with many coins to show around. Come for a lot of coins and some history and geography and language.

Bring along something for show and tell. What did you get for Christmas?

We will also collect dues for 2000 from those who have not already paid: $10 full member, $15 family (all members), $5 for a junior member alone (under 18).

January Prizes

December Minutes

ECC Meeting 504 - December 1, 1999
Total Attendance:48

President Doug Nelson called the meeting to order at 8:30 after dinner and much conversation.

Secretary's Report

There was an error in the numbers reported in the November minutes regarding the Show Totals. The numbers listed were incorrect but the total is correct. The minutes were accepted with the changes.

Treasurer's Report

Balance: $757.57

Treasurer's report was accepted.

Old Business

Roger B. sponsored Bob Johnson as a new member. A vote was taken and Bob was accepted. Welcome to the club.

New Business

Elgin Coin Club dues are being collected for 2000 membership. Please pay Don Cerny at the next meeting if your dues are not yet paid. The dues are listed under the January meeting heading. Remember, if we do not have your dues by the end of the March meeting, you are dropped from the active list and no longer receive the Newsletter.

Jim will have new contests for the YN's next year. Look for more details in future newsletters. Good Luck YN's.

We welcomed George Rollison from the Courier News. He was writing an article for the paper on the Elgin Coin Club.

Jane Miller was also a visitor. Welcome Jane. Hope to see you here again.

We held the elections for Vice President and Treasurer. Jim Davis is the V.P. and Don Cerny is Treasurer. Thanks for all you do.

Roger spoke about the Trygve Rovelstad Pioneer Memorial statue now on display at the Elgin Community College Art Center. He is trying to raise money to have the sculpture cast in bronze and placed downtown in Elgin.

Holiday Dinner

What a great turn out we had for the Holiday festivities. The dinner was great as usual. Thanks to everyone who helped to pull it off. I hope everyone had his or her fill. I know Shane did. I think he had fourths. Everyone had a good time and it is always nice to see the families together for the Holidays.

Special Thanks to Denise

A special thanks goes to Denise. She always goes out of her way to provide homemade favors for the club and its members. Thank you for all of the extra time you devote to the club.

Show and Tell

We did not have show and tell this month. Instead we had a special raffle for the meeting. There were way too many prizes and winners to list all. I hope everyone got a little something to take home. Thanks also to Jerry also for all of the comic books he donated to the YN's.

Meeting closed at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by Jennifer Schulze

Board Meeting

Because of the Holiday season, we did not have a board meeting this month.

Editor's Notes

An Asmara, Eritrea cliff Last month's meeting was reported in the minutes as meeting 502 when in fact it was 503 (August was 500). This month's meeting is correctly reported as 504.

I do not have the attendance book so I lumped all attendees together because we had so many family members and visitors. I just remember the final count for the dinner was 48, one really nice attendance number. And thanks to the officers for voting to have the club pick up the very reasonable under-six-dollar-per- plate tab. And Thanks to the VFW for such a nice layout.

This is the 72nd edition of the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter. We are beginning out seventh year as we enter the 21st century. At times, I don't know whether I am going to get out the next edition and then it happens. It has made it to press 71 times now. Only the aftermath of my house fire in '95 stopped it for one month. So as long as you still enjoy my monthly visits, it looks as if I'll be spending the third Sunday of every month at my keyboard for the foreseeable future. I really appreciate having the minutes pre-written by the secretary and an occasional article from you readers.

And now that I am on that subject, Dennis Kwaz has a fine version of his "A Little of This...A Little of That" in this issue. Thanks Dennis.

Jim Davis and Dennis Kwas are repeat contributors. Thanks so much for your contributions, Gentleman. Now the push. Please, consider offering your words for the club Newsletter. You cannot write you say? I don't believe it. If you can talk, you can write. If you need some spelling, syntax, grammar, or organizational help, I'll be glad to help you with that in order to get an up and coming writer on board. We'll both have fun and learn something in the process. It's really helpful if you think through something and give me a mostly completed piece, even if I have to help make final changes before publication. Share your passion.

I have had a policy in the Newsletter of not reprinting published material word for word. I have no problem with small quotes or excerpts, but I feel I do not have a right to quote a published article verbatim. I'll refer you to the article. I would like to keep that policy in tact. But that requires more work on my part and I could use your help in the form of articles, or article ideas. What do you want to have written in your Newsletter?

On another front, check out the Letters to the Editor in the December 27th Coin World. John Springston of Holiday Hills had a lot of nice words to say about the Elgin Coin Club Show and the YN auction. Thanks John, and thanks to everyone who contributed to making the show happen, on all sides of the tables.

All this said, it is Christmas Eve and there is a lot to do on the home front today. So your Newsletter is going to be shorter this month than usual.

Have a great 2000. See you all on the 5th.

A Little of This...
    A Little of That...

by Dennis A. Kwas

Well we made it through another year, the year of 1999. This year saw the US Mint issue five new designed quarters and a 1999 Susan B dollar.

About 3 years ago, while I was at a coin auction, the bid for a roll of Susan B dollars where about 10% below face. Now a 1999 Susan B sells for about $2.00 plus per coin. What's up with that?

Here is something for you. At coin shows when the price of gold & silver go up, people have a tenancy to buy. When the price goes down, the public wants to sell. I wonder if these are the same people that buy stock when it's at an all time high price and sell it when the price drops. I suppose this is so they can say how much money they lost. Does this not seem backwards to you? Hmmm.

The Elgin Coin Club's directors have again out done themselves with another good year. The directors have done a job that is second to none. I don't know if anyone knows this, but Doug spent thousands of dollars in the run for office this year. With the TV & Newspaper ads--seems to have paid off. Doug has showed us that if you run a strong campaign and there is no one else running, you can be elected. You go. [Editor's note: and there wasn't even an election for president this year!]

I for one am grateful to have a board that gives their time and energy so willing to our club. To the entire board, GREAT JOB!

We had a great turn out for our Christmas meeting. The VFW prepared a great Christmas feast - thank you VFW. Boy do we know how to fill a room or what?

Speaking of filling a room, seems the Elgin Coin Club had a pretty good coin show this year. One of the great things that happen at our coin show was that Jerry could not give the new statehood quarters away--free--no charge. What's up with that? That's ok, Al could not sell twelve (12) 1964 BU Kennedy half dollars for $16.00. Seems all Al could sell where more expensive coins. To bad for him. Not to worry, at the end of the day, not to make Al feel bad, I bought them. I'm such a nice guy. Hey Al, a better deal would be 16 for $12.

I have noticed that some the new statehood quarters I have, have started to tone (a lot of have's in this sentence). Hard to believe isn't it. I don't mean the have's, I mean the toning.

A special "thank you" to Denise for the treats she had for everyone at the Christmas meeting.

Hey Mike, great news letter!


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This Newsletter is the informal mouthpiece of the Elgin Coin Club. This Newsletter and its contents are copyrighted but you may use anything herein (accept as noted below) for non-commercial use as long as you give credit to the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter. This blanket permission does not extend to articles specifically marked as copyrighted (c) by the author of the article. In the latter case, you must get explicit written permission from the author either directly or through the Newsletter to use that material.