Elgin Coin Club Newsletter
Article Index

Click on any of the following items to view and read the article about the item. Most browsers take you directly to the indicated articles. All articles before February, 1998, are linked only to the Newsletter that contains the article. In this case and when your browser does not go directly to the article, scroll down to it.

Currently, we have the issues of November, 1997, through May, 2003, online. Your web master has been wandering the world (literally) for the last two years so the last couple years are not here. I hope to get back to putting them online sometime this fall (2005). This index is even worse off--the last issue I indexed was January, 2000. So if you are looking for something published after January, 2000, it is not here.

The following list includes the issue month and year in parentheses after each item.

Scroll down or choose one of the following:

Coins of the Month -- Topics by Subject -- Newsletters -- Go to other places

Coins of the Month

Most months the Newsletter includes a The Coin of the Month article providing general introductory information about a specific coin, bill, or other numismatic item.

A Bag of Coins and ... (11/99)
Bar Copper (11/97)
The Byzantine Follis (8/98)
1943 Steel Cent (1/99)
Continental Dollar/Cent (7/99)
The New Dollar - a Survey (5/98)
Elgin Coin Club Tokens (10/99)
The New Eritrean Nakfa (3/98)
The New Eritrean Coins (4/98)
New Five and Ten Dollar Notes 12/99)
The Katanga Cross (9/98)
The Liberty Standing Quarter (6/98)
The Maria Theresa Thaler (7/98)
Coins of the Philippines (1/98)
Nickel Three Cent Piece (3/99)
Two Cent Piece (8/99)

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Topics by Subject

This section lists many articles, mostly alphabetical by main subject. If you cannot find something you think may be here, use your browser search function to look for it.

500th Meeting Bill (9/99)
ANA 1999 Show Chairmen (10/98)
Kermit (ANA) Needs Help (4/98)
Helping During the ANA Convention (3/99)
ANA Summer Seminar Narrative
   Part 1 (9/98)
   Part 2 (10/98)
   Part 3 (11/98)
Epilogue (12/98)
Annual Show (11/99)
A Bag of Coins and ... (11/99)
Club Auction Rules (11/97)
November Auction (10/99)
Bits from the Press
The Byzantine Follis (8/98)
Bar Copper (11/97)
1943 Steel Cent (1/99)
George Smith's Certificates of Deposit
   Part 1(3/99)
   Part 2 (4/99)
Change to ECC constitution and bylaws (12/97)
Chicago Coin Club to Meet at CICF (3/98)
Coin Finds from Circulation (11/97)
A Coin-O-Rama
Coin Statistics (8/99)
Continental Dollar/Cent (7/99)
A visit to the Denver Mint (5/99)
Does the eagle have feet of a duck? (2/99)
Will this be the design of our next dollar? (1/99)
The New Dollar - a Survey (5/98)
Bits from the 1921 Press - The New Peace Dollar (12/98)
Editor's Notes (1/00)
April 1999 Elgin Coin Club Pictures
   All Members (5/99)
   Other April Meeting Pictures (6/99)
1997 Elections (12/97)
Elgin Coin Club Officers (10/99)
Elgin Coin Club Newsletter Given Second Place (9/99)
History of the Elgin Coin Club (9/99)
    Numismatic Happenings
    Rest of the World
    The Club Itself
Elgin Coin Club Tokens (9/10)
St. Eligius -- Patron Saint of Coin Collectors (2/99)
The New Eritrean Coins (4/98)
The New Eritrean Nakfa (3/98)
Evolution of the Twentiety Century Coinage (11/99)
New Five and Ten Dollar Notes (12/99)
Our Far Eastern Mint - Coins of the Philippines (1/98)
Flight (7/98)
Gloria Rovelstad Dies (9/99)
Helping During the ANA Convention (3/99)
Internet Report (12/98)
Italian East Africa and the Maria Theresa Thaler (7/98)
The Katanga Cross (9/98)
Kenny Saville Dies (9/99)
The Liberty Standing Quarter (6/98)
A Little of This - A Little of That
The Maria Theresa Thaler (7/98)
Found Morgan (12/99)
National Coin Week (4/98)
1997 Newsletter Index (12/97)
1998 Newsletter Index (12/98)
Nickel Three Cent Piece (3/99)
Coins of the Philippines (1/98)
Numismatics in Poland (4/99)
A Pennsylvania Error (6/99)
Notes from the Press of Old
1997 Programs (12/97)
1998 Programs (12/98)
Proposed 1999 Programs
St. Eligius -- Patron Saint of Coin Collectors (2/99)
Security Features on Eritrean Currency (3/98)
1997 Show Results (12/97)
1998 Show Results (11/98)
1999 Show Wrapup (12/99)
Coin Statistics (8/99)
The Tasmanian Devil (1/98)
A World Trade Coin, the Maria Theresa Thaler (7/98)
Nickel Three Cent Piece (3/99)
Two Cent Piece (8/99)
Some Value Comparisons (10/99)
Water Used as Money (8/99)
White Elephant Sale (5/98)
White Elephant Sale (10/98)
Will this be the design of our next dollar?

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Choose any of the following to view a Newsletter from its beginning

November, 1997, December, 1997, January, 1998, February, 1998, March, 1998, April, 1998, May, 1998, June, 1998, July, 1998, August, 1998, September, 1998, October, 1998, November, 1998, December, 1998, January, 1999, February, 1999, March, 1999, April, 1999, May, 1999, June, 1999, July, 1999, August, 1999, September, 1999, October, 1999, November, 1999, December, 1999. January, 2000.


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Last updated August 30, 2005.