June, 1999
Year 6, Issue 6

1st Place Outstanding Local Publication
American Numismatic Association 1995, 1996, and 1997

Meeting 7:30pm, Wednesday, June 2, 1999
Talk and trading 7:00-7:30pm
VFW, 1601 Weld Road, Elgin, IL
Not a member? Come and join us anyway!

June Meeting
June Prizes
May Minutes
Board Meeting
Notes from the Press of Old
A Pennsylvania Error
April Meeting Pictures
Index to other ECC Newsletter articles

June Meeting

June is member auction month. For those unfamiliar, as a member, you get a chance to sell your coins to fellow members with no fees to buyer or seller.

To help you sell your coins, we publish the coins you want to sell. Problem this time is that none of you gave me anything to list. None of you save one who has a 22 by 34 aluminum display case for sale. He has a minimum bid of $35. (I'm on vacation and will not be there; otherwise I'd have some listed too. But I'll bring mine in to the following meeting for you to look at.) Just because you didn't list anything here doesn't mean that you cannot put anything into the auction. Bring in what you have and someone will tell you what to do.

And finally, bring along something for show and tell. There is no formal program so there's plenty of time to show off what you got during the last month or so.

June Prizes

May Minutes

ECC Meeting 497
May 5, 1999
Opened:around 7:45
Closed:around 9:15

President Doug Nelson called the meeting to order around 7:45.

Secretary's Report

Jennifer could not make the meeting so Mike M. took the minutes. Felt like old home week. The minutes were accepted as published.

We welcomed three guests: Joyce S., Frank's wife; and Josh B., and John T. who applied for membership later in the meeting and were given their first reading. Someone will give them their second reading in June and we should accept them as members unless someone has a serious reason not to accept them. Welcome Josh and John.

Treasurer's Report

Don reported the numbers in the box at the top of the minutes. The Treasurer's Report was accepted.

Old Business

Don reported that he had not sent out the announcements for the show tables yet. He had send out 32 applications by the time we had our board meeting on the 19th.

New Business

Roger reported that Gloria Rovelsted had just returned to home after being in the hospital for a couple months. We all hope you recover quickly, Gloria.

Someone also reported that Gerold Hickey died March 28. Gerald the last founding member of the Elgin Coin Club still living.

Show and Tell

Don Dool had his exhibit of copper coins of conflict. He had recently won second place in his class at the Central States show in Milwaukee. The exhibit was thorough and very educational. Thanks for sharing it with us, Don.

I displayed the recent 80th anniversary plackette of the Chicago Coin Club. Along with the plackette, I showed a process set, a set showing examples of the medal at each of the nine steps required in producing the final medal.

Afterwards, I showed several coins I had bought at the recent Chicago International Coin Show. These coins included: a small Greek bronze with a wonderful owl; an English short-cross penny of John (1199-1216); a little coin of Norman Sicily of William the Second (1166-1189) with both arabic and latin inscriptions; a cash coin (1368-1398) of the Ming dynasty of China; a one penny token of the Sierra Leone Company in Africa (1791); and an 1850s Japanese 100 Mon, a beautiful oblong cast bronze coin with a square hole.

May Prize Winners
Membership: Marty K.
YN: Mike C. (default--where were the rest of you YNs?)
Raffle winners: Jim D (twice), Mike M, Marty K (twice), Rich E, Jerry R.
Door: None tonight

We gave away the prizes listed in the box.

Finally we settled into the White Elephant sale. Doug N. called the auction and Jim D. kept the official records. The club gleaned around $48.50 from the sale and many buyers got some great buys. Thanks for supporting the club both by bringing in sale items and for bidding during the auction.

As a reminder here are some of the items sold: 2 Maui dollars, X-rated fortune cookies, golf balls, a robot bank, 2 belt buckles, 4 mechanical pencils, a "survival" hat, a bottle of olives, $50,000 shredded, a roll of nickels, a Samoan coin, a rod and reel, an onion cutter and ingredients, and many books.

We finished off and adjourned the meeting around 9:15.

Submitted by Mike Metras for Secretary Jennifer Schulze

Board Meeting

Don, Jim D., Doug, and I got together April 19 at Don's for the board meeting.

We confirmed that June will be auction month and chose the coins for the raffle and give-away prizes.

We talked about activities for the 500th anniversary meeting.

We had a lot of less than serious talk about all kinds of coin activity not directly club related. That is, we had a good bull session on coins. Are we having fun on the third Wednesday? You bet. Remember the board meeting is open to any member who wants to come and join in--it's not all serious.

Notes from the Press of Old

While going through 1933 New York Times issues, Jim D. picked up the following reported selling prices during a couple Thomas Elder auctions that year:

A Pennsylvania Error

Pennsylvania reverse 80%

off center May 6 I came back to my desk after a meeting and found an urgent message on my answering machine, "Do you have a scanning machine? Call Bob F and he will fill you in."

I called Bob. " Can I scan a quarter?" "Yes." "Reid is stopping over with it tonight. Can I get it to you tomorrow?"

When we met the next day at Office Max I saw what the excitement was about. Here was a beautiful, about-80%-off-planchet Pennsylvania quarter.

I scanned it and emailed it to Coin World for Reid Geisler, a friend and fellow member of the Hillside Coin Club. Virginia Stone emailed back somewhat excitedly that it would be in the March 24th Coin World. And Just like that my scans and Reid's coin were in the next edition a week later.

If you saw the coin there, that is the long story. If you didn't see the coin there, I have reproduced it here for your enjoyment. Pennsylvania obverse 80%

off center

By way of a post script, everyone at the Chicago Coin Club was impressed with it when Reid showed it there the following Wednesday. The same is the case at the Fox Valley Coin Club until the last member came in and took a quick glance at the pictures and looked away saying, "oh, one of those?"

"One of those?...What do you mean?"

Richard, who works at an Aurora bank, said that he found seven of them in a bag of quarters and that the bank had found 40 to 50 in 20 bags! He sold his at the Milwaukee show last month for $15 each. I told him to save them for me. I'd give him that.

April Meeting Pictures

Here are the rest of the April meeting pictures for your enjoyment.

A U G U S T   1 9 9 9
5 0 0 th   E C C
M e e t i n g

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