October, 1999
Year 6, Issue 10

1st Place Outstanding Local Publication
American Numismatic Association 1995, 1996, and 1997
Second Place in the same contest in 1999

Meeting 7:30pm, Wednesday, October 6
Talk and trading 7:00-7:30pm
VFW, 1601 Weld Road, Elgin, IL
Not a member? Come and join us anyway!

October Meeting
October Prizes
September Minutes
Board Meeting
Coin of the Month
Elgin Coin Club Tokens

Other Club Historical Items
Elgin Coin Club Officers
Some Value Comparisons
November Auction
Index to other ECC Newsletter articles

October -- Show Month

Our annual show is on Halloween, October 31, from 9 to 3. Please come prepared to sign one of the rosters at the meeting telling us when you can help doing what. A lot of little and not so little tasks need to be done, but if we all pitch in, it will go quite easily for us all. Thanks so much in advance.

And while you are at it, can you each sell $25 worth of raffle tickets among your friends and colleagues at work and play? See Jim Davis.

This month we will have a white elephant sale. Scour your closets, attics, basements, and garages and get rid of that something you no longer want but hope that two or more others of us will fight to obtain possession of--or at least something that one of us is willing to part with a few bucks for.

We have elections for vice president and treasurer in December. We will accept nominations in October and November. Please, think seriously of running for one of the offices. Don has been treasurer since 1994, that is six years. He has done wonderful service for all of us, but maybe someone else would like to take over for a while to give him a rest. And anyone is welcome to the VP job.

Let's have a Good show and Tell again this month. What is that good thing you got this month, or at the ANA and didn't tell us about last month.

October Prizes

September Minutes

ECC Meeting 501 - September 3, 1999
Opened:around 7:40
Closed:around 9:00

President Doug Nelson called the meeting to order around 7:40.

Secretary's Report

The minutes were accepted as published.

We introduced two visitors: David Vollrath, a former member, and Robert Johnson.

Treasurer's Report

Beginning balance:$466.22

The treasurer's report was accepted.

New Business

Show applications and advertising is out. 14 tables are paid for. Al and Jerry paid tonight.

Old Business

If you need raffle tickets see Jim Davis.

Daryl moved that meetings start on time. Motion was passed.

Show and Tell--the ANA Show

Don C. commented on the show and how one of the dealers did not leave a good impression [to put it mildly] as far as courtesy goes.

The general consensus was that most of the dealers were fine, Don just happened to find one bad apple. But, sometimes, that's all it takes to spoil it.

Jim D. enjoyed the show. He managed to get the signature of the U.S. Treasurer. After being a member of the ANA for 20 years, this was his first time going to that show and found the experience somewhat overwhelming. He did get a passport which various mints put coins in and also a Standing Liberty quarter book. [If you are looking for that elusive book for your collection, I am told this is the place to go.]

Don D. found some surprising souvenirs from the show. He collects rare old coins and was pleased to find a few treasures to add to his collection.

Also he informed us that he has submitted an article to World Coin News for possible publication and if all goes well, he could be writing a monthly article for the next year for the magazine.

Mike M. [M stands for maniac] was at the show Tuesday through Sunday. He bought several books while there and all together spent more than he should have but that is how it is when you find something that you have been looking for. He found many books, books about Ancient South Arabian Coinage, Ethiopian Coins, old coins of China and Byzantine Coins (he got that one at a steal for $85.00).

Frank, who just got back from Bermuda bought himself a real nice set of triangular Bermuda coins.

October Prize Winners
Membership: Frank S.
YN: Adam R.
Raffle winners: Don C., Don D., Tony (twice), Marty, Josh (twice), Norm

The meeting adjourned around 8:50 PM.

Submitted by Jennifer Schulze

Board Meeting

Don Cerny, Jim Davis, Doug Nelson, and Mike Metras got together September 15 at Don's for the board meeting.

Doug reported that we have received three requests for large sized and four small sized 500th "good fors." I turned in $8 for two I sold at the Chicago Coin Club and two at the Hillside Coin Club. I also have an order for a large version from someone at the Chicago Coin Club.

I printed some of the large notes and the officers at the meeting signed them. After Jennifer signs them, we'll get the ones off that are already ordered and be ready for the next orders.

We talked about exhibits at the show. We'll have a place for anyone that wants to set up an exhibit at the show. We can supply one case to each of the first three exhibitors who ask for one (unless less than three want to exhibit, in which case we have a total of three cases). Please consider setting up something your fellow collectors. Have some fun. There will be no judging. This is for sharing with your fellow collectors and everyone visiting the show.

We confirmed that the October meeting will have a white elephant auction and the November meeting an auction of member coins. All proceeds of the white elephant go the club and the proceeds of the member coin auction go to the members who present the coins for sale.

We also talked about the upcoming elections for vice president and treasurer in December and decided to alert you all to that fact and be ready to accept nominations in both October and November.

Coin of the Month
Elgin Coin Club Tokens

During its history the Elgin Coin Club has issued tokens and other exonumia. Here are the ones I found while looking into the history of the club.

Bicentennial Obverse The first is a 1976 bicentennial 50-cent, aluminum, good for token redeemable at the Elgin American Legion. Bicentennial Reverse

1990 Rolled Cent Obverse The next is a rolled cent issued in 1990. These were struck on various coins. Some were done the 1990 cents, the year of issue and others on 1957 cents, the year the club started. I also had three made from Polish 5 Zlotich coins. 1990 Rolled Cent Reverse

ECC 12th  Annual Coin Show ECC Wooden Nickel Head Generic ECC Wooden Nickel Reverse

This wooden nickel obverse (center) was used with both of the reverses (on the sides). One celebrates the 12th annual Elgin Coin Club show on September 29, 1974. The other generic one probably was issued around the same time.

No other exonumia surfaced before the anniversary meeting. I suspect there are others out there but I did not see any. I seem to remember seeing a large sized wooden nickel once but I didn't see it this time. If you know of any others, I'd like to publish them for the record. I'll take good care of them wile I take their pictures.

1969 ECC Business CardOther Club Historical Items

This was the Elgin Coin Club's card when Marty K. joined the club in 1969. Congratulations on 30 years with the club, Marty.

Elgin Coin Club Officers

During my search into the history of the club I was able to come up with the following list of club officers.

Year President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary
1986 Bob Reigel Ray Rathburn Harry Westlake Dave Carpenter
1987 Ray Rathburn Roger Bear same same
1988 Herb Barth Harold Smith same David Jones
1989 same same same same
1990 Mark Pedder Doug Nelson Jesse Sturdevant same
1991 same Mike Riley same Brian Mooberry
1992 Mike Riley Doug Nelson Charles Lindman David Jones
1993 Mark Pedder to March then Doug Nelson Doug Nelson to March same same
1994 Doug Nelson Bill Darling died 3/94 Harold Hunt Don Cerny Mike Metras
1995-1997 same Harold Hunt same same
1998 same Jim Davis same same
1999 same same same Jennifer Shulze

Some Value Comparisons

In the 42 years since the founding of the Elgin Coin Club coin values have risen dramatically in almost all cases. The following table lists the 1956 and 1996 Red Book values for the listed coins. I chose those Red Book years because they were the books I had on my shelf. The only two coins showing lower prices in 1996 are the 1903 and 1904 New Orleans dollars. They are the classic case of what happens to price when great hoards surface of coins that are considered scarce.

  1956 1996
Coin Fine Unc. Fine Unc.
Fugio Cent $6 $15 $475 NL
1793 Chain Cent America 125 NL 3500 $18,000(xf)
1793 wreath cent 75 NL 2200 6750(xf)
1835 cent (common) 4.50 15 23 300
1864L cent 17.50 47.50 70 300
1877 cent 30 80 110 750
1909S VDB cent 17.50 30 425 635
1914D cent 17.50 80 110 750
1865 2 cents 1.25 3.50 15 85
1883 no cents 5› 0.50 1.50 13 100
1895O dime 60 240 650 2700
1900 dime 1 4.50 4 110
1916D dime 45 150 1000 4500
1917 T1 quarter 2 5.50 16 60(xf)
1936D quarter 4 25 35 800 (MS63)
1900 half 3 9 25 400
1916S Walker 17.50 75 120 850
1938D half 2.50 15 25 375
1889CC dollar 7 (vf) 45 325 (vf) 6750
1903O dollar 60 (vf) 300 125 (vf) 160
1904O dollar 3 (vf) 75 9 (vf) 15
1908 $2-1/2 gold 8 11 130 (vf) 170
1892S $20 gold 45 75 420 (vf) 500
Illinois half 5 (vf) 11 NL 80
Elgin half NL 13.50 NL 180
NL=Not Listed in the indicated grade

November Auction

June is member auction month. For those unfamiliar with this, as a member, you get a chance to sell your coins to fellow members with no fees to buyer or seller. We can do that because we have the White Elephant sale the month before to raise funds for the club.

To help you sell your coins, we can publish the coins you want to sell in the Newsletter before the meeting. You do not have to list your coins. But it helps if others know what you have to sell. That way they can plan ahead and have money ready. As a buyer, you have a chance to look closely at your want lists and see if something you are looking for is available.

To publish that list, I need you to fill out the form at the back of this Newsletter (or a reasonable look-alike and turn it in to me at the next meeting or shortly thereafter.

Visit the Elgin Coin Club Home Page or our Connections page for more information about the club.

Click here for an index to articles in other on-line Elgin Coin Club Newsletters

This Newsletter is the informal mouthpiece of the Elgin Coin Club. This Newsletter and its contents are copyrighted but you may use anything herein (accept as noted below) for non-commercial use as long as you give credit to the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter. This blanket permission does not extend to articles specifically marked as copyrighted (c) by the author of the article. In the latter case, you must get explicit written permission from the author either directly or through the Newsletter to use that material.