December, 1999
Year 6, Issue 12

1st Place Outstanding Local Publication
American Numismatic Association 1995, 1996, and 1997
Second Place in the same contest in 1999

Meeting 7:30pm, Wednesday, December, 1
Talk and trading 7:00-7:30pm
VFW, 1601 Weld Road, Elgin, IL
Not a member? Come and join us anyway!

December Meeting
December Prizes
November Minutes
Board Meeting
Contest Ends
Found Morgan
Show Wrapup
Coin of the Month
New Five and Ten Dollar Notes

A Coin-O-Rama
1999 Articles
Index to other ECC Newsletter articles

December -- Holiday Dinner

This month we have our holiday dinner. It will begin at 7:00, so plan on getting there earlier than you usually arrive. Don tells me the food will be essentially as last year: roast beef, ham, potatoes, salad, vegi, and bread and butter.

We will have elections for vice president and treasurer during the meeting. Don Cerny has been nominated for treasurer and Jim Davis for Vice President. We also will accept nominations from anyone else interested. Good luck.

We will have a special Holiday raffle with many prizes.

We will also collect dues for 2000: $10 full member, $15 family (all members), $5 for a junior member alone (under 18).

December Prizes

The prizes are many this month, though there will be no regular raffle.

November Minutes

ECC Meeting 503 - November 3, 1999
Opened:around 7:35
Closed:around ?

President Doug Nelson called the meeting to order right on time at 7:35. President Doug Nelson called the meeting to order around 7:35.

Secretary's Report

Mike Metras sat in as acting secretary since Jennifer's Shane was getting his tonsils out that day.

There were two corrections to the published minutes: the meeting date is 3 November, not 6 November; Jim C, not Jim B. has the Rovelsted medals. With these changes, the members accepted the minutes as published.

We had an unusually large number of visitors this evening. Thanks to all for visiting. Please come back soon and join us permanently.

God Jul!

Joyeaux Noel!

Mele Kalikimaka!

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano!

Buon Natale e Buon Cappo d'Anno!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Frohe Weihnacht und ein gutes Neues Jahr!

Nakupa Heri ya Krismasi na Mwaka Mpya!

Melkam Leyel!

Treasurer's Report

Don reported the numbers as listed in the table at the beginning of the minutes. The numbers do not reflect the Show in/out flow. Those numbers will be included with next month's report. The treasurer's report was accepted.

Old Business

Jim reported the following raffle prize winners for the show (note the two repeat winners! I think you guys should share):

Jim reported that the members sold 805 tickets for $647, about $30 more than last year. Rent was collected for 17 tables. See later in the Newsletter for a recap of the Show numbers.

We passed around a signup sheet for the December dinner (40 some signed up--it will be big).

Doug informed the members that he had some Copper nickel VFW anniversary medals that an officer of the VFW there was selling for $3.

New Business

In early new business (during the secretary's report), Al Maday initiated a discussion on changing the dates for our semi-annual membership coin auctions because November was too close to both the annual show and the Holiday season. After the discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and voted in by the membership to move the auctions to March and September.

Next, someone nominated Don Cerny to be Treasurer again. And Jim C. nominated Jim Davis to be Vice President. The election is in December.

There was no Show and Tell due to the auction.

After a break, I showed around an October 18, 1963, article that visitor Bruno Rzepka brought. It tells of a 1963 Elgin Coin Club "Coin-O-Rama." I repeated the article later in this Newsletter.

Next was the auction. Four members sold coins and stamps. All were satisfied, as the buyers seem satisfied. Thanks much for your participation.

November Prize Winners
Membership: Ken F.
YN: Mike C
Raffle winners: Bruce, Marty, Mike C, Frank, Joe, Bruno, Mike M

After the auction the prizes listed here were given out to the lucky winners and the meeting was closed around what I can remember was about 9.

Submitted by Mike Metras acting for Jennifer Schulze

Board Meeting

Don Cerny, Jim Davis, Doug Nelson, and Mike Metras got together November 17th at Don's for the board meeting.

We discussed the Holiday dinner and confirmed that the club will pay for the meals of all attending the dinner.

We decided that the 2000 show will be on the fourth Sunday of October, Oct 22. Don Cerny volunteered to be show chairman again in 2000. We accepted his offer.

We went over the final numbers for the show. I listed them separately later in the Newsletter.

We paid the club dues for the Central States Numismatic Society (CSNS) and the Illinois Numismatic Society (ILNA) so we remain members of those groups for 2000.

Don brought up that he found a Morgan Dollar on the floor at the show and no one came to the club table to claim it. He placed an announcement he placed in the Numismatic News. We would like to return it to its rightful owner. If it's yours see Don Cerny or any of the officers at a club meeting so we can give it to you.

These paragraphs may not look like a lot, but we had more club "business" discussion at this meeting than we have had in a long time. Don't get me wrong, we got in our other coin talk, too.

Contest Ends

Jim Davis' contest challenging the young numismatists to assemble a set of post-1964 Roosevelt dimes ends in December. This month's meeting is your last chance to win that Silver Eagle for assembling a complete set of dimes from 1965 through 1999. Watch for a new challenge next year.

Found Morgan

Between 12:15 and 12:45 at the club show someone lost a Morgan Dollar. It was turned into the club table but no one came to ask about or claim it. We would like to return it to its owner. If it is yours, please contact Don Cerny, club treasurer, (or any other officer) and identify it so we can give it back to you. You can contact Don at 847-888-1449. You can contact anyone at the club by mail at Box 561, South Elgin, IL 60177.

Show Wrapup

Those with tables at the show reported that they had a good show. Most seemed satisfied with the day. No customers complained, as far as I know, so they must have had fun too. The following table lists the final numbers as reported to us at the board meeting by Don and Jim.

Elgin Coin Club Show Totals
Item Sub-totals Totals
Income:   $1157
Tables: $510  
Raffle: $647  
Expences:   $708
Room rent: $200  
Raffle (Tickets and prizes) $412  
Other: * $106  
Profit:   $449
* Other = doughnuts, advertising, postage, paper, coffee, and a few other minor things

That said, we want to thank Don Cerny for his work as chairman and Jim Davis as ticket master and YN auction organizer and auctioneer. We also want to thank all who helped before, at, and after the show.

Finally, we want to thank all who sold tickets (and those who bought them). The following list shows the ticket sellers and how many tickets they sold.

If we missed you, let me know and I'll add your name to the list. Thanks again everyone for a fine show. In 2000 we will try to avoid conflicts with other shows.

Coin of the Month
New Five and Ten Dollar Bills

Last week the Treasury department introduced the new designs for the five and ten dollar bills. Though I retrieved the text and pictures from the Bureau of Printing and Engraving's (BEP) web site for the printed version, I give you the link here in the interest of saving storage on the internet. See the whole exciting story at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing's announcement page.

A Coin-O-Rama

Visitor Bruno Rzepka attended our November meeting, he brought along a piece of Elgin Coin Club history in the form of an October 18, 1963, Coin World article. I know Bruno from the Hillside and Chicago coins. But he belongs to others also and has been in the coin/bill collecting hobby for a long time.

The article tells of an Elgin Coin Club show of that year. The following text is from that article.

"The second annual Elgin, Ill., Coin-O-Rama will feature an entirely new concept in numismatic exhibiting, according to Fred R. Marckhoff, exhibits chairman. The event, which will be held Sunday, October 20, at Elgin's American Legion Hall, will include a cooperative exhibit of Illinois obsolete bank notes and script.

An 1852 Elgin

NoteClick here to see an enlargement of an 1852 Elgin Note that was at the Coin-O-Rama

The display will feature the largest display of such material ever brought together under one roof, including all previous American Numismatic Association conventions, and museums and libraries throughout the country, show officials said.

The exhibit is made possible, Markhoff said, as a result of the generosity of some of the nation's leading collecting specialists, whose specimens will be on view. They include Dr Julian Blanchard of New York City; Eric P. Newman, St. Louis, Mo.; M. M. Burgett, Chicago, Ill.; Glenn B. Smedley, Oak Park, Ill,; Rep. J. Lisle Laufer, Hampshire, Ill.; Markhoff, and others.

Through the cooperation of all these collectors working together, a very large percentage of all such notes still in the hands of private collectors today will be shown at the Elgin Coin- O-Rama.

The show, which is expected to attract collectors form hundreds of miles distant, will feature 20 bourse dealers. Refreshments will be served continuously from 10 a.m. opening time until 9 p.m., when the show closes. An auction is scheduled to take place in the afternoon, at which some choice coins will be featured.

1963 Elgin coin Club Officers: Fred Catalano, president; Siegmann, president before dying; Elwood Scarritt, treasurer; Caroline Crichton, secretary; and Tony Vege, vice president

Officers for the Elgin Coin Club in 1963 include Fred Catalano, who succeeded the deceased Herman Siegmann as president. James Hanlon is first vice prescient, and Tony Vege is second Vice President. Third Vice president is J. Lisle Laufer. Elwood Scarritt is treasurer, and Caroline Crichton, secretary.

Composing the club's show committee are John Dietrich, general chairman; John Falloon, bourse chairman; Tom Stebbings and Gerald Hickey, auction chairman; Caroline Crichton, chairman of the reception Committee, and Harry Westlake, security Chairman."

I only recognize the names John Dietrich and Harry Westlake. After reading the list of committee members here, Don, I think your committee was understaffed this year. And what a time length--10 a.m. to 9 p.m.!

1999 Articles

The printed version of this Newsletter listed the articles that were in the newsletter this year. Online you have essentially the same avilable to you at index to articles in the on-line Elgin Coin Club Newsletters so I will not repeat it here.

Visit the Elgin Coin Club Home Page or our Connections page for more information about the club.

Click here for an index to articles in other on-line Elgin Coin Club Newsletters

This Newsletter is the informal mouthpiece of the Elgin Coin Club. This Newsletter and its contents are copyrighted but you may use anything herein (accept as noted below) for non-commercial use as long as you give credit to the Elgin Coin Club Newsletter. This blanket permission does not extend to articles specifically marked as copyrighted (c) by the author of the article. In the latter case, you must get explicit written permission from the author either directly or through the Newsletter to use that material.