Index - A-D

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- A -
Abuna Aragawy
Abuna Teclehaimanot School in Asmara
Acacia bushes
    Debra Bizan
    Flats during rainy season
Ad Nefas
Addis Ababa
Adi Abun
    Adigrat to Adi Abun
    Zigini, meat stew
Adi Kwala
Adi Sciuma
Adi Segali
Adi Teclesan
Adi Ugri
    Adigrat to Adi Abun
    Asmara to Adigrat
    Adowa to Asmara
    Bell tower
    Breakfast at a shai beit
    Enda Gabriel
    Enda Georgis
    Enda Mikael
    Enda Selassie (Trinity Church)
    Madane Alem
    South Arabian fragment
Adowa mountains
    Battle of Adowa
    Driving through
    View from eastern road
    View from western road
Adowa to Asmara
Aerial tramway, see Tramway
Af Delu
Africa map
    Elaboret cooperative
    North of Asmara
    Plowing in the town square?
Akele Guzai
Anfre, Francis
Anseba River
Aqaba, Jordan
Arc of the Covenant
    Arc of the Covenant in Axum
    Solomon and Sheba story
Archeological Triangle tour
    Alumqa's Yeha
    Anfre, Francis
    Asmara-Adigrat-Yeha-Axum triangle tour
    Lioness of Gobedura
    Plowing in the town square?
    Queen of Sheba palace
    Temple of Alumqa
    Thrones of Axum
    Tombs of Kaleb and Gebra Maskel
    Art Deco
    Asmara panorama
    Axumite style
        Abuna Teclehaimanot School in Asmara
        Enda Abuna Aragawy
    Monkey head architectural style
        Debra Damo
    Barracks, Kagnew
    Modern House
    Temple of Alumqa
    Solomon and Sheba story
    St. Mary of Zion, Asmara
Art Deco Shell station
    Adowa to Asmara
    Asmara-Massawa Tramway
    Asmara to Adigrat
    Asmara to Keren by Rail
    Asmara to Keren by Road
    Asmara to Keren map
    Asmara to Massawa by Rail
    Asmara to Nefasit
    Beit Georgis Park
    Brick mills
    British cemetery
    Buildings in the north
    City center walk
    Coca-Cola bottling plant
    Escarpment edge
    First impression
    Grand Mosque
    Kagnew to the Nyala Hotel walk
    Library and Museum
    Markets and beyond walk
    Melotti brewery
    Nyala Hotel observation deck
    Radio Asmara
    St. George's
    St. Joseph Roman Catholic Cathedral
    St. Mary's Ethiopian Catholic Church
    Train station
        City Center
        Kagnew to the Nyala Hotel
        Markets and Beyond
    Water Reservoirs
    Yohannes IV Airport
Asmara-Adigrat-Yeha-Axum triangle tour
Asmara-Massawa Tramway
Asmara theater
Asmara to Adigrat
Asmara to Keren by Rail
Asmara to Keren by Road
Asmara to Keren map
Asmara to Massawa by Road
Asmara to Nefasit
    Dorfu bar
    Five-kilometer overlook
    Mai Hizni Valley
    Python Valley
    Arc of the Covenant
    Coins of Axum
    Coins of Ezana
    Conversion to Christianity
    Enda Arbate Ensesa (Four Angles)
    Enda Michael
    Enda Pantaleon
    Enda Simeon
    Lioness of Gobedura
    Queen of Sheba palace
    Queen of Sheba reservoir
    St. Mary of Zion, Modern
    St. Mary of Zion, Portuguese
    Stele in Rome
    Three-language stele
    Tourist office
    Tombs of Kaleb and Gebra Maskel
Axumite kings
        Conversion to Christianity
        Three-language stele
    Gebra Maskal
        Founder of Debra Damo
        Destroyer of Matara
        Enda Pantaleon
        Enda Zala Kaleb Negus
- B -
    Asmara road
    Debra Bizan
    Python Valley
Ball of fire from the sky
Basket market
Battle of Adowa
Beer shortage
Begging kids, what they want
Beit Georgis Park
Bell tower, Adowa
Bells, St.Mary's, Asmara
Biblioteca Italiana
    La Teleferica Massaua-Asmara
Bishop Abuna Aragawy
    Debra Bizan
Bookstore in Asmara
Bosch, Asmara
Brick mills, Asmara
    Blown railroad bridge
    Dogali railroad bridge on ten nakfa note
    Railroad at Dogali River
    Railroad at Mai Hizni
    Road at Dogali River
    Stone bridge at Mai Hizni
    Ancient pump

    Art Deco Shell station
    Asmara center
    Asmara north
    Axum houses
    Barracks, Kagnew
    Debra Bizan monastery buildings
    Dogali River railroad bridge
    Dogali River road bridge
    Dorfu village
    Enda Abuna Aragawy
    Eritrean General Assembly
    Ethiopian Army Second Division
    Grand Mosque, Asmara
    Grand Mosque, Keren
    Haile Selassie I Secondary School
    Homestead below Arbaroba
    Homestead near Keren
    House on a rock
    Keren buildings
    Keren fortress
    Matara ruins
    Modern house, Asmara
    Nomad Homestead, below Nefasit
    Queen of Sheba palace, Axum
    St. George's Church, Asmara
    St. Mary of Zion, Portuguese, Axum
    Temple of Alumqa
    Treasury, Axum
    Tulli's apartment
Bunkers above Nefasit
Burning gas truck below Nefasit
Bus ride
- C -
Cableway, see Tramway
    Asmara-Massawa Tramway
Cafe Royal, Asmara
    Curbside table
Calendar of Ethiopia
Camel in Nefasit
Camel market, Keren
Campo di Marte
Caremele, candy
Cart, gari
    Ride home
    Stand near Kagnew
    Stand near Nyala
Capuchin monastery, Asmara
Catholic cathedral
    St. Joseph Roman Catholic Cathedral
Cattle market, Keren
    British, Asmara
    British, Keren
    Italian, Keren
Chapter order
Chicken market, Asmara
    Coptic cross
    Coptic interior
        St. Mary of Zion, Axum
        Enda Selassie, Adowa
    Enda Abuna Aragawy, Debra Damo
    Enda Arbate Ensesa (Four Angles Church), Axum
    Enda Gabriel, Adowa
    Enda Georgis, Adowa
    Enda Michael, Axum
    Enda Mikael, Adowa
    Enda Pantaleon, Axum
    Enda Selassie (Trinity Church), Adowa
    Enda Simeon, Axum
    Grand Mosque, Asmara
    Grand Mosque, Keren
    Madane Alem, Adowa
    Mai Gogwa, Adi Abun
    Matara church site
    St. George's, Asmara
    St. Joseph Roman Catholic Cathedral, Asmara
    St. Mary of Zion, Asmara
    St. Mary of Zion, Modern, Axum
    St. Mary of Zion, Portuguese, Axum
    St. Mary's Ethiopian Catholic Church, Asmara
    Temple of Alumqa, Yeha
    Treasury, Axum
Cities, towns, and villages
    Ad Nefas

    Addis Ababa
    Adi Abun
    Adi Kwala
    Adi Sciuma
    Adi Segali
    Adi Teclesan
    Adi Ugri
    Af Delu
    Dahlak Islands
    Danakil Depression
    Debra Bizan
    Debra Damo
    Dig Dig
    Dira Dawa
Cities, towns, and villages (cont.)
    Edega Berai
    Elaboret cooperative
    Elath, Israel
    Enda Zala Kaleb Negus
    Kaffa Province
    Kagnew Station
    Lake Tana
    Mai Atol
        Mai Atol, railroad
        Mai Atol, road
    Selai Dairo
    Talud Island
    Village on a mountain
City Center, Asmara walk
Climb at Debra Damo
Clothing market
Coca Cola
    Coca Cola bottle in Amharic
    Coca Cola bottling plant
    Axumite coins

    Axumite coins overview
    Bridge on ten nakfa note
    Bir denominations of Menelik II
    Coins of Ezana
    Cowrie shells
    East African Currency Board
    Ethiopia's Money
    Fever tree on five nakfa note
    Italian East Africa
    Italian Eritrea
    Lion of Judah
    Making change
    Maria Theresa thaler
    Matonya coins of Haile Selassie
    Menelik II
    Oasis Club chits
    Post-war coins of Haile Selassie
    Salt bars
Comments and questions
Contents on left view mode
Continental divide
Coptic cross
Cowrie shells as money
Curfew in Keren
Curio shops
    Near Kagnew
    Near Nyala
Customs and immigrations
Customs police
Cycling Python Valley
- D -
Dahlak Islands
Dam at Koloe
Damas River valley
    Massawa road
    Northern cutoff road
    Railroad view
    Rainy season
Danakil Depression
Debra Bizan
    Helicopter pad
    Kagnew flying club overflight
    Monastery buildings
    No Females
    Sabbath practices
    View from air
    View from Nefasit Valley
Debra Damo
    Abuna Aragawy
    Enda Abuna Aragawy
    Entrance from main road
    Fear and height
    Gebra Maskal
    No females
    View from eastern road
    Nefasit to Decamere road
Dig Dig
Dira Dawa
    Road bridge
    Train bridge
    Train bridge on ten nakfa note
Dorfu, see Python Valley
    Dorfu bar
    Dorfu station
    Dorfu Valley
    Dorfu village
    Beer shortage
    Coca Cola
        Coca Cola bottle in Amharic
        Coca Cola bottling plant
    Debra Damo cistern
    Melotti beer
        Bottle in Asmara
        Bottle label
        Melotti brewery
    Mes, honey wine
    Native bar in Adowa
    Queen of Sheba reservoir, Axum
    Shai beit, tea house
    Sua, local beer
    Sua beit, bar in Massawa
Drive down Asmara-Massawa road video
Driver's license

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Mike Metras