Index - E-M

- E -
East African Currency Board
Edaga Berai
    Railroad station
Elaboret cooperative
Elath, Israel
Electricity, see S.E.D.A.O
Enda Abuna Aragawy
Enda Arbate Ensesa (Four Angles), Axum
Enda Gabriel, Adowa
Enda Georgis, Adowa
Enda Michael, Axum
Enda Mikael, Adowa
Enda Pantaleon
Enda Selassie (Trinity Church), Adowa
Enda Simeon, Axum
Enda Zala Kaleb Negus
    1941 liberation of Keren
    East African Currency Board
    British military cemetery, Asmara
    British military cemetery, Keren
Entering Saganeti video
    Cities and infrastructure
    Map, borders and cities
    Map, general road
    Physical layout
Eritrean independence
    After independence
    American involvement
    Impact on Americans in '69
    Italian Occupation
    Liberation groups
    UN mandate
Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), see Military Activity and Eritrean independence
Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front (EPLF), Military Activity and Eritrean independence
Escarpment edge at Asmara
    Cities and infrastructure
    Map, borders and cities
    Physical layout
    Tourist card (Id)
Ethiopian Army Second Division, Asmara
Ethiopian calendar
Ethiopian Navy Days
    Dorfu area
    Dorfu bar
    Dorfu bar
    Dorfu Village
Euphorbia candelabra
    Keren road
- F -
    Animals as obstructions to travel
    Ants, Asmara
        Asmara road
        Debra Bizan
        Python Valley
    Camel in Nefasit
    Camel market, Keren
    Cattle market, Keren
    Chicken market, Asmara
    Fish market, Asmara
    Lioness of Gobedura
    Livestock market, Keren
    National Bird of Ethiopia
    Sand shark
Fear and height at Debra Damo
Females at Debra Bizan
Females at Debra Damo
Fever tree
    Fever tree on a five nakfa note
Fish market, Asmara
Five-kilometer overlook, Asmara-Massawa road
    Crossing on the railroad
    Crossing on the road
    During rainy season
    Northern cutoff road
    Viewed from above
    Acacia bushes
        Debra Bizan
        Flats during rainy season
Flora (cont.)
    Desert scrubland
        Dorfu area
        Dorfu bar
        Dorfu bar
        Dorfu village
    Euphorbia candelabra
        Keren road
    Fever tree
        Fever tree on a five nakfa note
    Flowers, Kagnew
    Fruit market, Keren
    Grain market, Asmara
    Housing decoration, Asmara
    Prickly pears
        Asmara road
        Debra Bizan
        Python Valley
        Rainy season
    Rain Forest, Eritrea
    Shade tree rest area, Python Valley
    Spice market, Asmara
        Ghinda hotel
        Ghinda railway station
    Vegetable market, Keren
Flying Club of Kagnew
    Breakfast at a shai beit
    Buying dinner by the road
    Chicken dinner in Adi Abun
    Zigini in Massawa
    Zigini, meat stew
Fort on Eritrea-Tigray border
Fruit market, Keren
Full screen view mode
- G -
Gari Cart
    Ride home
    Stand near Kagnew
    Stand near Nyala
    Axumite coins overview
    Ezana's three-language stele
    Matara stele
Gebra Maskal
    Founder of Debra Damo
Ghee, rancid butter
    From road above Nefasit
    From railroad above Nefasit
    Ghinda to Massawa Road
    Train station
Ghinda Rest Center
Gobedura lioness
    Gold market, Asmara
    Shop near Kagnew
Grain Market
Graphics List
Great Rift Valley
    Asmara-Decamere road
    Continental divide
    Dorfu Valley
    Northern cutoff road
    Python Valley
Green Island, Sheik Said Island
Gum repairs
Gurgussum Beach
- H -
Haile Selassie I
    Haile Selassie I Avenue, Asmara
    Haile Selassie I Secondary School, Asmara
    Solomon and Sheba story
    Visit to Kagnew
Hardware Market
Helicopter pad on Debra Bizan
History of Asmara
History of Eritrea, see Eritrean independence
House, see Buildings
- I -
    Graphics List
Immigrations and customs
Impediments to travel
Imperio Theater
Independence of Eritrea, see Eritrean independence
Injira Basket
    Axumite coins
    Ezana's three-language stele
    Kaskase altar
    Matara Ge'ez
    South Arabian and Ge'ez syllabary
    South Arabian fragment, Adowa
    South Arabian inscriptions in Asmara museum
    Yeha frieze
        Addis Ababa museum
        Yeha church
Internet resources
    Leaving Ethiopia by Sea
    Sea legs
Italy, see also Military activity
    1941 loss of Keren
    Asmara-Massawa railway
    Asmara-Massawa tramway
    Axumite stele in Rome
    Battle of Adowa
    Biblioteca Italiana, library
    Coins of Italian East Africa
    Coins of Italian Eritrea
    Courageous defense of Keren
    Italian military cemetery, Keren
    Italian staging area at Decamere
    Keren road escarpment at 58 k
    St Mary's Asmara
- J -
Junk market, Asmara
Junk yard
- K -
Kaffa Province
    Destroyer of Matara
    Enda Pantaleon
    Enda Zala Kaleb Negus
Kagnew Station
    1th Street
    Beer shortage
    Busy workers
    Daily life
    Driver's license
    Flying Club
    Ghinda Rest Center
    Haile Selassie II visit
    House boys
    Kagnew to the Nyala Hotel, Asmara walk
    Living off base
    Keren Rest Center
    Oasis Club chits
Kagnew (cont.)
    Tract A
    Tract C
    Tract E
        Daily life
    Travel restrictions
    TTU (Transportation Terminal Unit)
    Tulli's apartment
    TV and radio
    1941 liberation
    Approach to the city
    Asmara to Keren
    Asmara to Keren by Rail
    Asmara to Keren by Road
    British cemetery
    Hotel crow's nest lookout
    Italian cemetery
    Keren Rest Center
    Main Mosque
    Road west
- L -
La Teleferica Massaua-Asmara
Lake Tana
    Axumite coins overview
    Boustrophedon South Arabian
    Ezana's three-language stele
    Ge'ez at Matara
    Languages of Ethiopia
    Languages used in Keren
    South Arabian and Ge'ez syllabary
    South Arabian fragment, Adowa
    South Arabian inscriptions in Asmara museum
    Temple frieze
        Addis Ababa museum
        Yeha church
Last Trip to Massawa
Leaving Ethiopia by Sea
    Aqaba, Jordan
    Captain and crew
    Dahlak Islands
    Elath, Israel
Leaving Ethiopia by sea (cont.)
    Rough Seas
    Sea legs
    Sea of Glass
    Sharm El Sheikh
    Strait of Tiran
    Tiran Island
    Yehuda Ambasa (Lion of Judah)
Liberation Avenue, Asmara
Library and museum of Asmara
    La Teleferica Massaua-Asmara
    South Arabian inscriptions
Links to internet resources
Lion of Judah
    Lion of Judah on coins
    Lion of Judah (Yehuda Ambasa) boat
Lioness of Gobedura
    Above Arbaroba
Livestock market, Keren
Living off base
- M -
Mad Dash to Massawa
Madane Alem, Adowa
Mai Atol
Mai Gogwa
Mai Hizni Valley
Mai Shum, Axum
Malitia below Nefasit

    Archeological Triangle (Asmara-Adigrat-Axum)
        Ethiopian Highway department
        Italian map
    Asmara to Keren
    Asmara to Massawa road
    Eritrea, general road map
    Maps with graphic links, using
    Railroad, Mai Hizni-Arbaroba
    Railroad profile Asmara-Massawa
    Tramway route
    Where are we? Maps, Weather, and More
Mareb River
    Mareb River headwaters
Maria Theresa thaler
Markets and Beyond, Asmara walk
Martyr's Avenue
    Arriving by train
    Asmara to Massawa by Road
    Bars and brothels
    City hall
    Customs and immigrations
    Ethiopian Navy Days
    Ghinda to Massawa Road
    Green Island, Sheik Said Island
    Gurgussum Beach
    Last Trip to Massawa
    Mad Dash to Massawa
    Panorama, video
    Port facilities
    Saline de Massawa
    Salt works of Saline de Massawa
    Sand shark
    Savoia hotel
    Street scene
    Sua beit, bar
    Switch engine, end of the line
    Switch engine from hotel
    Talud Island
        Real estate
        Red Sea Hotel
Massawa (Cont.)
    Train station
    TTU (Transportation Terminal Unit)
    Church site
    Enda Zala Kaleb Negus
    Matara mountain
        In Senafi video
        Video from above
        Video from ground
    Site A
    Site D tomb
Melotti beer
    Bottle in Asmara
    Bottle label
    Melotti brewery
Menelik I
    Solomon and Sheba story
Menelik II Avenue, Asmara
Military and Eritrean liberation activity
    1941 liberation of Keren

    Americans detained southeast of Nefasit
    Battle of Adowa, 1896
    Battle of Keren, 1941
    Battle of Keren, 1969
    Battle of Saati, 1887
    Burning gas truck below Nefasit
    Bus inspection
    Eritrean liberation groups
    Ethiopian Navy Days
    Fort on Eritrea-Tigray border
    Ghinda police station
    Interrupting power distribution
    Italian staging at Decamere
    Keren road escarpment at 58 k
    Malitia below Nefasit
    Road block at Decamere
    U. of Md. field trip stopped at Cohaito
Military cemetery
    British, Asmara
    British, Keren
    Italian, Keren
    Capuchin monastery, Asmara
    Debra Bizan
    Debra Damo
    Matara mountain
Money, see Coins
Monkey head architectural style
    Debra Damo
    St. Mary of Zion, Asmara
    Cycling Python Valley
    Debra Damo ascent
    Gum repairs
    Horizontal maneuver
    Mad Dash to Massawa
    My Ducati in video
    Northern cutoff road trip
    Repair shops
Moving files to hard drive
Museum and library of Asmara
    La Teleferica Massaua-Asmara
    South Arabian inscriptions
Music files

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Mike Metras