The Asmara-Massawa Tramway

Riding over the heights of the Eritrean valleys.

Unlike other chapters in this book, this one describes a mechanical wonder already gone when I lived in Asmara. As I traveled over roads and down byways, time and again I stumbled over large cement boxes in the ground. I noticed notches on ridges, notches that were in a line from ridge to ridge.

A counterweight pit remaining in the late '60s at the location
of the Mt. Codemas span south east of Asmara.

In time, I discovered that I had been looking at the remains of an aerial cableway, a tramway, the Italians had built in the 1930s. The cement blocks, notches, and empty boxes turned out to be the remains of another Italian engineering accomplishment in Eritrea. They had built the current road and railroad from Massawa up to Asmara in the early 1900s ...

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Mike Metras

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