Doer Of Things  
Vacation Spring 2003
Day 14
Friday 05/09/03

Good morning 7:30am. Slept like a baby! But I had to get up. I have to start getting back into the routine.
Today will start off like this: Get mail and start redelivery, Print some pictures, Pay bills, compiles bills and receipts from the vacation, diner with Aunt Annie, put Vacation stuff away, and right now it is off to breakfast.
End mileage on the car was 16231

9:00am at breakfast I saw that the weather is still great in Arizona. Sure is overcast here! That's ok, it is getting better here soon.
I got 8 lbs of mail. 2-1/4 28% Catalogs, 3-1/2 lbs 44% I stuff I should get, ½ lb 6% bills, and 1-3/4 lbs 22% right in the trash stuff.
OK 11:30an now, Breakfast, mail bills and compile vacation expenses are done. Printing some pictures now. I will take with me to lunch at The Three Brothers. More pictures to print later. I got license plates for the truck to install too.
Picture # 562 needs to be full size. It is full of life.

Other pictures in this same area.
Well that is the end of my notes.
Here are the stats on the vacation.
The trip cost about $2,200,
I drove 4,100 miles, about 91 gal of gas that cost $141 and averaged about 45 MPH, the highest was 46.2 MPH and the lost was 40.8 MPG. I think I'll keep this car!
I was gown 12 days, stayed 8 nights in motels at a cost of $658 averaging $82 an night. The highest was $122 and the lowest was $28.
I spent 279 for the seminar and some CDs
I spend $487 for things that I may or may not give away of which $235 was for fabric.
And used $300 cash that may or may not be part of the total.
All in all I think this was pretty cheep. $183 a day
Trip index Last day A week later
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  Last Update: April 9, 2004 12:34 PM  

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