Rishikesh, India - 2017

We stayed at the Sadhana Mandir (SM) in Rishikesh between 19 February and 27 April this year, 2017. It was very relaxing and conducive to mediation and contemplation. We only left SM for the city proper three times during the two months we were there. The weather started out cool and ended up quite hot.

To avoid a huge file, I have divided these Rishikesh pictures into four pages: this general page and three more pages, one each of animals, flowers, and the making of two gold rings from one.

Here are links to the other three pages. You can also go to them from the 2017 pictures listings on the India Index page.

Continue to the Rishikesh animals pictures for this year.
Continue to the Rishikesh flowers pictures for this year.
Continue to the Rishikesh pictures of the remaking of our wedding rings.

Be sure to also view 2015’s pictures of Rishikesh toward the bottom of the India Index page.

Rishikesh riverfront.
The east shore of Ganges at the popular tourist part of Rishikesh. Sadhana Mandir, where we stayed, is 2.5 miles (4 Km) down river from this place. It is much quieter where we were. (15 Mar 2017)
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Sadhana Mandir, Rishikesh.
Sadhana Mandir with the river path just on the right of the picture. (10 Apr 2017)
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Sadhana Mandir, Rishikesh.
Sadhana Mandir. (5 March 2017)
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Sadhana Mandir with the main Dahlia garden
Sadhana Mandir dahlia garden. See many more flowers here. (5 Mar 2017)
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Sadhana Mandir, Rishikesh.
Entrance to Sadhana Mandir from the Ganges Ghat (walkway/levy). (13 March 2017)
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Sadhana Mandir, Rishikesh.
Sadhana Mandir housing. (31 Mar 2017)
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Sadhana Mandir, Rishikesh.
Sadhana Mandir front courtyard. (31 Mar 2017)
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Petra Wolf. Mike Metras.
Petra and Mike painted up for Holi, the spring festival of colors.(13 Mar 2017)
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Morning on the Ganges.
Morning on the Ganges at Sadhana Mandir. (14 Mar 2017)
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Morning on the Ganga.
Morning on the Ganga at Sadhana Mandir. (14 Mar 2017)
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Rishikesh garden.
Rishikesh garden. (27 Mar 2017)
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Petra Wolf.
Petra on the Ganges walking path near Sadhana Mandir. (Feb 2017)
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Vendor. Cotton Candy Vendor.
Rishikesh vendors of windmills and cotton candy. (Mar 2017)
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Painting Krishna.
A painter standing on Krishna's lap paints Krishna's hair as Krishna holds him. (23 Mar 2017)
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Ganges Riverfront Rishikesh.
The Ganges Riverfront in Rishikesh. (12 Apr 2017)
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Rishikesh tree.
A big tree in a temple compound in Rishikesh. (28 Mar 2017)
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Petra's bed.
View of the forest outside of our room in Sadhana Mandir. (19 Mar 2017)
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Mike's bed.
View of the Ganges from the other window of our room in Sadhana Mandir. (21 Apr 2017)
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Wall hangings Ganga Kinare.
Plaster wall hangings in the lounge of the Ganga Kinare Hotel near SM where we had tea a few times. (23 Mar 2017)
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Contour Drawing.
A contour drawing of a building in Rishikesh on the Ganges. (6 Mar 2017)
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Ganges River walk.
Leafless trees along the Ganges River walk. (5 Mar 2017)
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Sunset in 

Sunset on the Ganges. (4 Mar 2017)
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Signs of Sadhana Mandir.
Some of the signs on the Campus of Sadhana Mandir. The top two middle ones say the same though one is in Hindi. The bottom Hindi sign either says, “Don’t pluck the flowers.” Otherwise it says, “Don’t walk on the grass.” You can see the top two signs and the "beware of dogs" sign on the ghat gate earlier on this page. (20 Apr 2017)
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Continue to the Rishikesh animals pictures for this year.
Continue to the Rishikesh flowers pictures for this year.
Continue to the Rishikesh pictures of the remaking of our wedding rings.

Created April 2017.
Copyright © 2017 Mike Metras and Petra Wolf, www.PilgrimageCreations.com