Animals in Rishikesh, India - 2017

This page highlights several of the animals we experienced in Rishikesh in 2017.

Kingfisher in Rishikesh.Second kingfisher in Rishikesh.
Kingfishers sitting on a power line wire in front of Sadhana Mandir. (14 Mar 2017)
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Parrots and other birds eating.
Parrots and other birds eating on a Sadhana Mandir roof. (18 Mar 2017)
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I believe this is a hornbill near Sadhana Mandir. (5 Mar 2017)
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A river bird.
A bird on a rock in the Ganges in Rishikesh. Is it a vulture? (20 Feb 2017)
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Or is this a vulture? Or are both vultures? (31 Mar 2017)
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A Katydid along the Ganges near Sadhana Mandir. (14 Apr 2017)
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Crows begging cookies from us. One has an odd beak for a crow. (19 Apr 2017)
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An elephant on the banks of the Ganga across from Sadhana Mandir. I have seen only one elephant this year. Two years ago we saw several. See our Elephant pictures page from that time. (24 Feb 2017)
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The same elephant came out a few days later. The cut in his ear and his tusks identify him as the same elephant and the same one I saw two years ago. Elephants have come out since, but I have not seen them.(5 Mar 2017)
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Petra and dog.
Petra walking along the Ganges with Sister, one of the dogs she regularly fed cookies. (18 Mar 2017)
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Sister, the dog.
Sister, sitting calmly after her ration of cookies for that day. (18 Mar 2017)
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Petra and dogs.
This time Petra walks with four dogs. Or are they walking with her. (10 Apr 2017)
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Brother waits for a cookie. (9 Apr 2017)
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Another dog stops by for a cookie. (9 Apr 2017)
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Sister aims to snatch a cookie in mid-air while brother waits for his turn. The Ganges dam a mile south of SM is in the back of the picuture. (13 Mar 2017)
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Dog being washed.
One of the Sadhana Mandir watch dogs gets a bath with a hose. He loved it and didn’t move a muscle as he was scrubbed and rinsed off. (16 Mar 2017)
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Monkey and baby.
A monkey and her baby. (6 Mar 2017)
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Monkey and baby.
The same mom and kid cross the walk path with a friend along the Ganga. (6 Mar 2017)
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The frogs finally appeared at the frog pond. This guy was sitting there just yesterday. (20 Apr 2017)
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Continue to the general Rishikesh pictures for this year.
Continue to the Rishikesh flowers pictures for this year.
Continue to the Rishikesh pictures of the remaking of our wedding rings.

Created April 2017.
Copyright © 2017 Mike Metras and Petra Wolf,