Someone once said that searching the internet is like rummaging in your
attic or garage--you go up or out at noon looking for one thing and come
back at five with (or without) what you were looking for and fully satisfied
because of several other things you found. I give you this list to help
you find that little gem you may be looking for. At the same time I hope
you have a lot of fun finding totally unrelated things.
Use your borwser's Page Search (Ctrl+F on the PC) to find a particular
word of phrase to lead you to the link you are looking for.
Numismatic Bibliomania Society - a non-profit educational organization founded in 1980 to support and promote the use
and collecting of numismatic literature.
Bibliography of many works on Eritrea and Ethiopia, some with links.
Ethiopia: Travels of a Youth--a CD-ROM book describing people and places in Ethiopia and Eritrea during the late 1960s when I lived there with the US Army.
Axum: Coins and Places--a video of coins and places associated with ancient Axum, an ancient Ethiopian power center.
Kagnew Station--a site dedicated to the military and civilian personnel who served at Kagnew Station in Asmara, Eritrea.
Asmara, Eritrea--a wonderful collection of words and pictures of Asmara taken by a traveler from the Netherlands. "cyberspace meeting place for all Eritreans and their friends around the world
Italian-Eritrean Railway and Tramway--This personal site has narratives on the Italian-build Eritrean railroad and the aerial tramway. It also includes a reproduction of a slick Italian magazine issued by the Italian builders of the tramway.
Trainweb--a site that hosts hundreds of sites dedicated to trains.
Eritrean Railway and Ropeway--Ralph R. Reinhold's site with a wealth of detailed technical detail, narrative, and pictures.
Oxford English Dictionary--the 20-volume second edition. Subscription only $550 a year but you can go on a free tour. And you can order a CD version for $295.
Dictionaries and grammars for 270 languages--find the meaning of that Kiswahili, Urdu, Sumarian, Ogibwe, or English word. This includes many dictionaries on specialties, learning opportunities, and translators to help you.
Biographical Dictionary--
this dictionary covers more than 28,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present day.; anagrams of your input; get definitions, anagrams, synonyms, and acronyms by email; generate statistics from email lists.
Voice of America--start here and find a VOA program in any language you are studying or just want to listen to.