Doer Of Things  
Vacation Spring 2003
Day 9
Sunday 05/04/03        
Well I was up at 5am. Looks like I over slept an hour. Must be getting use to the local time here. I could learn to live with that.
I haven't been using the laptop all since I've here, just the map minutes yesterday to find the way here. (Insert picture) Had a Great time last at the Seminar. Steve showed us how to dump anger. And how to get rid of the babbling voice inside of us. Then he showed us how to look in to some ones soul. We all tried it. That was a little scary! And fun at the same time
Not sure what we will be doing this morning.
I was out looking at the shops this morning. Most do not open before 10:00. Just some of the restaurants.
I'm sitting out here where I sat yesterday and the day before the seminar. It is cooler this morning. Feels like 50-55. I'm thinking I need my Jacket. Wait, I'll get it. It is just around the corner. Wait, I'll go out on my patio. The sun is out there….
Ahhh! It is much better out here. Sun is at my back. It feels 70+ in the sun. Other people are out here. Only one empty table here.
This is where I took some pictures last night around sunset

I wonder what I could do to make a living here? I bought a lottery ticket this morning. I told the lady: "I only wanted a million. It would be enough." She said that thought it was 87-88 million. And a million was all I needed let me give her some. I just smiled. You never know, I might.
Wait, I'm in Sedona! I sure if I had more than a million I could find a way to use it to someone's else's good.
Maybe some one wants to move out of here. I could give them a million for their house or business and free them to do other things. Then I would have a reason to stay. A house or business to manage, maybe some one wants to move here and needs some place to live on needs a business to make a living. Wow! That would be, I would have to be in the real estate business. And I did that with only one of those 87+ millions.
Maybe someone just wants to visit Sedona and needs a place to stay for a few days. Ah, Hotel/Motel, 5-10 million, lot of them here now. I wonder who this Joe Wilcox is? He has a lot of shops here in town, Mostly places for visitors to buy stuff.
Wait I met Kevin at the seminar. He designs houses. Keith and Sandy might want to move here. Maybe he would like to help. There is another million dollars a year.
Wait, I just spilt my coffee! That is enough for now. 9:15am
Back out here in the break area outside, much cooler without the sun, less breezy.
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  Last Update: April 9, 2004 12:34 PM  

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