Asmara to Massawa Road

Join me now for a trip down the road from Asmara and Massawa. The main line is divided into three sections for easy loading. This group of chapters also includes four other side trips connected in some way to the Asmara-Massawa road. Choose any of the following selections or begin with the first and move on to the next chapter as you get to the bottom of each chapter. The top and bottom of each chapter includes a menu for browsing among all the chapters.

You can also point and click at a city or point on the road on the following map to go directly to that location. Though an Italian colonial map of Eritrea with Italian spellings, this map gives a detailed rendition of road and the villages along the way from Asmara to Massawa. Like all maps I have found of Eritrea and Ethiopia, it is not terribly accurate, but it is the best I have been able to find short of making one myself.

Asmara-Massawa Road Map
A detailed Italian colonial map of the road from Asmara to Massawa.
Click on the town or point on the road you want to view.

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Mike Metras

Table of Contents | Index A-DE-MN-Z Python Valley Arbaroba Debra Bizan Embatkalla Sabarguma Dongolo Massawa Damas River Nefasit-Decamere Northern Cutoff Asmara-Nefasit Road Nefasit-Ghinda Road Ghinda-Massawa Road Asmara-Keren Road Archeological Triangle Chapters Asmara-Massawa Tramway Asmara-Massawa Railroad