Asmara-Massawa map | Asmara to Nefasit | Nefasit to Ghinda | Ghinda to Massawa | Debra Bizan | Nefasit to Decamere Road | Northern Cutoff Road | Mad Dash to Massawa | Table of contents

Asmara to Nefasit by Road

You can see most of the road between Asmara and Nefasit in this picture
taken from above the road's 5 K marker.
Nefasit sits below Debra Bizan, the most distant ridge.

It had been an easy night, maybe two hours of work between midnight and seven. I had scrambled eggs, beacon, and toast at the mess hall, signed out for three days leave at the company, and signed out for Massawa at the MP desk. Denis and I headed out to meet John, and Dick. They had driven down the day before.

Denis drove his VW Bug ... directly into the bright morning sun. ... The air was chilly and heavy with the smell of burnt firewood. We made an end run around the busy Haile Selassie I Avenue ... up through an industrial area and on into a Eucalyptus forest. The gently curving road took a mile or so to climb several hundred feet to the edge of the escarpment. ... Coming up a slight incline, we broke out of the forest. There a small, square, wooden custom house (little larger than an out house) guarded the road leaving the city. Three thin, khaki-clad policemen waved us past. ... What a view! ...

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Mike Metras

Asmara-Massawa map | Asmara to Nefasit | Nefasit to Ghinda | Ghinda to Massawa | Debra Bizan | Nefasit to Decamere Road | Northern Cutoff Road | Mad Dash to Massawa | Table of Contents | Index A-DE-MN-Z