Asmara-Massawa map | Asmara to Nefasit | Nefasit to Ghinda | Ghinda to Massawa | Debra Bizan | Nefasit to Decamere Road | Northern Cutoff Road | Mad Dash to Massawa | Table of contents

Nefasit to Decamere Road

The road from Nefasit to Decamere ran directly between those two villages bypassing the climb up to Asmara. Using it, you could go directly from Nefasit's 5400 feet (1650 meters) to Decamere's 6760 feet (2060 meters) without traveling up over 8100 feet (2470 meters) to Asmara and you would save twenty 12 miles (20 km) to boot.

This bypass route began at the 25 K marker on the Asmara-Massawa road as that road entered Nefasit (see map). ...

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Mike Metras

Asmara-Massawa map | Asmara to Nefasit | Nefasit to Ghinda | Ghinda to Massawa | Debra Bizan | Nefasit to Decamere Road | Northern Cutoff Road | Mad Dash to Massawa | Table of Contents | Index A-DE-MN-Z