Asmara-Massawa map | Asmara to Nefasit | Nefasit to Ghinda | Ghinda to Massawa | Debra Bizan | Nefasit to Decamere Road | Northern Cutoff Road | Mad Dash to Massawa | Table of contents

Mad Dash to Massawa

The challenge

At 26, I'm not one much for preparation. The tank of my Ducati 250 is full and I've eaten my breakfast. I don't even have a companion to witness my feat or to pick me out of the prickly pears if I miss a turn. My challenge and task: drive to Massawa and back as fast as I can.

Not normally a fast or reckless driver, much the opposite, I'm usually too safe. But I have to do something different, something challenging today. ... As I pass the road guard shack at the edge of the escarpment, my watch says 8:30. I twist the accelerator open. ...

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Copyright © 2002-2006 Mike Metras

Asmara-Massawa map | Asmara to Nefasit | Nefasit to Ghinda | Ghinda to Massawa | Debra Bizan | Nefasit to Decamere Road | Northern Cutoff Road | Mad Dash to Massawa | Table of Contents | Index A-DE-MN-Z