Site Map

This page lists all the pages on the Pilgrimage Creations site. Use it if you do not have Java Script to run the main menu or if the main menu is just not clear enough to you.

How to use the menus

But first, the Menus. When I set up the menus for Pilgrimage Creations, I felt they should be pretty self-evident how they work. But as I myself use them, I sometimes wonder where to go. So it is time to be a bit more up-front about how to navigate the menus.

Note: Several items are not currently listed in the menus because they are not available as we are living in India. When we return we will reactivate them as we make them available.

Pilgrimage Creations Home has

  • Our Newsletters and a Christmas letter
  • This Site Map with this How to use the menus
  • What's New, what have we changed.
  • An Index to all pictures on this site.

The second tab across the top layer of menus takes you to our India Blog, daily thoughts for your consideration and meditation.

The third tab is your entrance to Our Offerings

  • Our Books
  • Our Slide shows
  • A link to a page where you can Make a payment to us
  • The submenu tabs take you to all the screens of these offerings.

The Our Pilgrimages tab is your entry to the pilgrimages we have walked (mostly in chromological order):

  • India
  • Camino de Levant
  • Germany to Rome over the Alps and down the Via Francigena
  • Walking East to Jerusalem
  • Via de la Plata
  • Several Camino de Santiago pilgrimages
  • An Index to all pictures on this site.
  • the submenu tabs take you to all the screens subordinate to the main topics.

The last major tab, Information, is a catchall that includes links to our pages:

  • About us
  • How to Contact us
  • How to Opt in or out of receiving our newsletters and emails
  • Several Camino, Via Francigena, and pilgrimage resources and links
  • Press releases mostly about our Walk across America to Jerusalem
  • Reviews of books
  • FAQs about Pilgrimage Creations
  • This Site Map
  • And finally a link to our other web site,

The Site Map Details

  • Pilgrimage Creations Home page
  • Our India blog a page where we periodically update you on what we are doing in India.

  • Our Offerings - The things and services we have to offer you.
  • Our pilgrimages.
  • Camino de Santiago.
  • Rome Pilgrimage
  • Walking east to Jerusalem
  • Via de la Plata
  • Camino de Levante
  • Information
  • Deutsch - the German version for the seminars and slide shows made when we were giving them in Germany.

    If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, call or email us.

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    This page was last changed 3 Jun 2015 Click here to see what's new.
    Copyright © 2012-2015 Petra Wolf and Mike Metras,